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Arranging content in your PixelPerfect report template

You can arrange objects in your template to exact specifications. Use the Report Explorer to arrange bands and other content by dragging and dropping them to different positions in the template.

Arranging objects

One of the many highlights of the PixelPerfect designer is that it gives you the ability to arrange content with maximum precision. As you work on your report template, you are guided on object placement with auto-alignment suggestions. You can also use a number of features designed to position objects perfectly on the design surface.

When you add an object to the template, you can manually move and resize it as desired. There are also several ways in which you can ensure objects are aligned and sized as required.

InformacjaThis information does not apply to all available objects. Some objects, especially those which are used for formatting purposes only, might not have these options available.

Sizing and alignment

Align to Grid and Size to Grid

The Align to Grid and Size to Grid options are available when you right-click an object. With these options, you can quickly adjust an object so that it fits within the configured grid lines. Size to Grid is especially useful when creating visual presentations consisting of multiple objects positioned side by side.

  1. On the design surface, right-click an object.

  2. Select Layout > Size to Grid or Align to Grid.

Fit Bounds to Container

The Fit Bounds to Container option is a convenient way to expand an object so that it occupies the entire band.

  1. On the design surface, right-click an object.

  2. Select Layout > Fit Bounds to Container.

Centering objects

You can center objects horizontally and vertically using the right-click menu.

  1. On the design surface, right-click an object.

  2. Select Layout > Center Horizontally or Center Vertically.

Using the Properties menu

Using the Cog wheel Properties menu offers even more control over the exact size and position of objects on the design surface. Depending on the object, you might be able to set the exact value for one or more of the following:

  • Location, using horizontal and vertical coordinates

  • Size, using height and width

  1. On the design surface, select an object.

  2. Open the Cog wheel Properties menu available from the right side panel in the designer.

  3. Expand Layout.

  4. As applicable:

    • Expand Location and set the X and Y coordinates.

    • Expand Size and set the Height and Width.

Using the Report Explorer

Click Tree view in the right side panel to open the Report Explorer. The Report Explorer offers a hierarchical view of the template structure.

In the Report Explorer, you can move bands and other content by dragging and dropping it to different positions in the template hierarchy. Some content, such as default bands, cannot be moved.

Report Explorer

The Report Explorer menu expanded in the right side panel in the designer. In this case, the Report Explorer lists the structural elements in the template, in order of appearance

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