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Connect to data sources in the data load editor

Data connections in the data load editor provide a way to save shortcuts to the data sources you commonly use: databases, local files or remote files. Data connections lists the connections you have saved in alphabetical order. You can use the search/filter box to narrow the list down to connections with a certain name or type.

See: Connecting to data sources

Information noteYou can only see data connections that you own, or have been given access rights to read or update. Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator to acquire access if required.

Creating a new data connection

Do the following:

  1. Click Create new connection.
  2. Select the type of data source you want to create from the drop-down list.

    The settings dialog, specific for the type of data source you selected, opens.

  3. Enter the data source settings and click Create to create the data connection.

    The connection name will be appended with your user name and domain to ensure that it is unique.

The data connection is now created with you as the default owner. If you want other users to be able to use the connection in a server installation, you need to edit the access rights of the connection in the Qlik Management Console.

Warning noteThe settings of the connection you created will not be automatically updated if the data source settings are changed. This means you need to be careful about storing user names and passwords, especially if you change settings between integrated Windows security and database logins in the DSN.
Information noteIf Create new connection is not displayed, it means you do not have access rights to add data connections. Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator to acquire access if required.

Deleting a data connection

Do the following:

  1. Click E on the data connection you want to delete.
  2. Confirm that you want to delete the connection.

The data connection is now deleted.

Information noteIf E is not displayed, it means you do not have access rights to delete the data connection. Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator to acquire access if required.

Editing a data connection

Do the following:

  1. Click @ on the data connection you want to edit.
  2. Edit the data connection details. Connection details are specific to the type of connection.
  3. Click Save.

The data connection is now updated.

Information noteIf you edit the name of a data connection, you also need to edit all existing references (lib://) to the connection in the script, if you want to continue referring to the same connection.
Information noteIf @ is not displayed, it means you do not have access rights to update the data connection. Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator if required.

Inserting a connect string

Connect strings are required for most connections. Only folder and web file connections do not require connect strings.

Do the following:

  • Click Ø on the connection for which you want to insert a connect string.

A connect string for the selected data connection is inserted at the current position in the data load editor.

Tip noteYou can also insert a connect string by dragging a data connection and dropping it on the position in the script where you want to insert it.

See: Connect

Selecting data from a data connection

If you want to select data from a data connection to load in your app, do the following:

  1. Create new connection linking to the data source (if the data connection does not already exist).
  2. ± Select data from the connection.

Referring to a data connection in the script

You can use the data connection to refer to data sources in statements and functions in the script, typically where you want to refer to a file name with a path.

The syntax for referring to a file is 'lib://(connection_name)/(file_name_including_path)'

Example 1: Loading a file from a folder data connection

This example loads the file orders.csv from the location defined in the MyData data connection.

LOAD * FROM 'lib://MyData/orders.csv';

Example 2: Loading a file from a sub-folder

This example loads the file Customers/cust.txt from the DataSource data connection folder. Customers is a sub-folder in the location defined in the MyData data connection.

LOAD * FROM 'lib://DataSource/Customers/cust.txt';

Example 3: Loading from a web file

This example loads a table from the PublicData web file data connection, which contains the link to the actual URL.

LOAD * FROM 'lib://PublicData' (html, table is @1);

Example 4: Loading from a database

This example loads the table Sales_data from the MyDataSource database connection.

LIB CONNECT TO 'MyDataSource';
SQL SELECT * FROM `Sales_data`;

Where is the data connection stored?

Connections are stored using the Qlik Sense repository service.You can manage data connections with the Qlik Management Console in a Qlik Sense server deployment. The Qlik Management Console allows you to delete data connections, set access rights and perform other system administration tasks.

Warning noteIn Qlik Sense Desktop, all connections are saved in the app without encryption. This includes possible details about user name, password, and file path that you have entered when creating the connection. This means that all these details may be available in plain text if you share the app with another user. You need to consider this while designing an app for sharing.

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