HSL - script and chart function
HSL() is used in expressions to set or evaluate the color properties of a chart object, where the color is defined by values of hue, saturation, and luminosity between 0 and 1.
HSL (hue, saturation, luminosity)
Return data type: dual
Argument | Description |
hue, saturation, luminosity | hue, saturation, and luminosity component values ranging between 0 and 1. |
If interpreting the numeric component and formatting it in hexadecimal notation, the RGB values of the color components are easier to see. For example, light green has the number 4 278 255 360, which in hexadecimal notation is FF00FF00 and RGB (0,255,0). This is equivalent to HSL (80/240, 240/240, 120/240) - a HSL value of (0.33, 1, 0.5).
See: Please refer to Coloring a visualization, to find examples of how to use the color functions in visualizations, as well as details on the visualizations that support color by expression.
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