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Deleting bookmarks

Deleting a bookmark in sheet view

Do the following:

  1. In sheet view, click > in the toolbar.

  2. Click ] next to the bookmark you want to delete.

  3. Click @.
  4. Click Ö.

  5. To confirm that you want to delete the bookmark, click Delete in the dialog.

The bookmark is deleted.

Deleting a bookmark from app overview

Do the following:

  1. From the app overview, click > to view the bookmarks.

  2. Click ] next to the bookmark you want to delete.

  3. Click @.
  4. Click Ö.

  5. To confirm that you want to delete the bookmark, click Delete in the dialog.

The bookmark is deleted.

Tip noteIn the bookmarks dialog, you can long-touch/right-click on a bookmark and select Delete.

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