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User access rules

A user access rule defines which users have access to the available tokens.

The User access rules overview lists all users access rules. You can manage the user access rules by performing a number of actions, as described in the following:

Name The name of the rule.
Description A description of the rule.
Resource filter The type of resource that the rule applies to.
Status The status of the rule.
SR Sorting columns: Click to sort the list alphabetically, ascending of descending according to the nature of the column.
. Filtering columns: Click to open a dialog and filter the list based on that column and your filter criteria as you type. Click E to remove the filter. Click outside of the filter dialog (or press the keyboard key "Esc") to close the dialog. The filter icon is inverted when a filter is applied to a column . You can apply filters to multiple columns to narrow your search.
PCreate associated rule Creating new user access rules: Click to create a new user access rule.
Edit Editing user access rules: Click to edit the selected user access rule.
Delete Deleting user access rules: Click to delete the selected user access rules.
Tip noteDouble-click an item in the overview to open the user access rule’s edit page. For multiple selections, hold down Ctrl while single-clicking the items or hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse cursor over items. Then click Edit in the action bar to open the edit page.

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