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App class

This class describes all the methods that apply at app level.

The handle member in the JSON request for all methods listed in this section is the handle of the app.

AbortModal method

AddAlternateState method

AddFieldFromExpression method

ApplyBookmark method

BackCount method

Back method

CheckExpression method

CheckNumberOrExpression method

CheckScriptSyntax method

ClearAll method

ClearUndoBuffer method

CloneBookmark method

CloneDimension method

CloneMeasure method

CloneObject method

CommitDraft method

CreateBookmark method

CreateConnection method

CreateDimension method

CreateDraft method

CreateMeasure method

CreateObject method

CreateSessionObject method

CreateSessionVariable method

CreateVariable method

CreateVariableEx method

DeleteConnection method

DestroyBookmark method

DestroyDimension method

DestroyDraft method

DestroyMeasure method

DestroyObject method

DestroySessionObject method

DestroySessionVariable method

DestroyVariableById method

DestroyVariableByName method

DoReload method

DoReloadEx method

DoSave method

Evaluate method

EvaluateEx method

FindMatchingFields method

ForwardCount method

Forward method

GetAllInfos method

GetAppLayout method

GetAppProperties method

GetAssociationScores method

GetBookmark method

GetConnection method

GetConnections method

GetContentLibraries method

GetDatabaseInfo method

GetDatabaseOwners method

GetDatabases method

GetDatabaseTableFields method

GetDatabaseTablePreview method

GetDatabaseTables method

GetDimension method

GetEmptyScript method

GetFavoriteVariables method

GetFieldDescription method

GetField method

GetFileTableFields method

GetFileTablePreview method

GetFileTablesEx method

GetFileTables method

GetFolderItemsForConnection method

GetIncludeFileContent method

GetLibraryContent method

GetLocaleInfo method

GetLooselyCoupledVector method

GetMatchingFields method

GetMediaList method

GetMeasure method

GetObject method

GetProperties method

GetScriptBreakpoints method

GetScript method

GetTableData method

GetTablesAndKeys method

GetTextMacros method

GetVariable method

GetVariableById method

GetVariableByName method

GetViewDlgSaveInfo method

GuessFileType method

LockAll method

ModifyConnection method

Publish method

Redo method

RemoveAlternateState method

RemoveVariable method

Resume method

SaveObjects method

SearchAssociations method

SearchSuggest method

SelectAssociations method

SendGenericCommandToCustomConnector method

SetAppProperties method

SetFavoriteVariables method

SetFetchLimit method

SetLooselyCoupledVector method

SetScriptBreakpoints method

SetScript method

SetViewDlgSaveInfo method

Undo method

UnlockAll method

UnPublish method

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