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DoReloadEx method


Reloads the script that is set in an app and returns the path to the script log file.

Information noteA log file is created per reload.


Name Description Type

This parameter is optional.



The following is returned in the output:

Name Description Type

This parameter is optional.



When this method is called, audit activity logs are produced to track the user activity.

In the case of errors, both audit activity logs and system services logs are produced.

The log files are named as follows:

Audit activity log System service log

<MachineName>_AuditActivity_Engine.txt in server mode

<MachineName>_AuditActivity_Engine.log in desktop mode

<MachineName>_Service_Engine.txt in server mode

<MachineName>_Service_Engine.log in desktop mode

Where to find the log files

The location of the log files depends on if you are running Qlik Sense Desktop or Qlik Sense.

Qlik Sense Qlik Sense Desktop



Information noteFor more information, see Qlik Sense troubleshooting guide.

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