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Managing app reload tasks

View and manage app reload tasks from the hub. Manually start reload tasks or create new reload tasks with scheduled triggers to execute the reload automatically. You can also edit and delete reload tasks.

App reload tasks that are created by an administrator in QMC also display in the hub. To view the reload tasks for an app in the hub, right-click the app and select Manage reload tasks.

Information note

You must have read access to HubSectionTask and either the HubAdmin role or read access to reload tasks in the hub, set in QMC, to manage app reload tasks in the hub.

Manage reload tasks displays the following information and options:

  • Name: Task name.

  • Enabled: If the reload task is enabled or disabled. Disabled tasks cannot be managed or enabled from the hub.

  • Status: Displays the current status of the task. You can click Info to view a summary of the latest task execution. You can also click Download script log to download the script log.

  • Last execution: Displays when the task was last executed.

  • Next execution: Displays when the task is next scheduled to run.

  • Actions: Management option for the task. You can click Start task to start tasks or click Stop to stop tasks. Click Edit to edit a task or Delete to delete a task.

  • Create task: Add a new app reload task and set task properties, including creating scheduled triggers.

You can click Refresh tasks to refresh the task view.

Creating app reload tasks

Create an app reload task in the hub. When executed, the reload task fully reloads the data in an app from the source. Any old data is discarded. App reload tasks must include a scheduled trigger to execute the reload task automatically. The trigger determines the number of times the task will run (from one to infinity) and the frequency of the reload (once, daily, weekly, or monthly). For example, you can create a trigger to reload task to run 56 times, an app on a weekly basis. Create scheduled triggers for your tasks to reload app data at a specific time, date and frequency.

For information about creating app reload tasks in QMC, see Creating reload tasks.

Information note

You must have read access to HubSectionTask and be assigned the HubAdmin role, set in QMC, to create app reload tasks in the hub.

Do the following:

  1. In the hub, right-click the app that you want to create a reload task for, and then click Manage reload tasks.

  2. Click Create task.

  3. Enter a name for the task in the Name field.

  4. Under Execution, review the default settings and edit any of the following properties:

    1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the task. The task is Enabled Check mark by default.
    2. Task session timeout (minutes): The maximum period of time before a task is aborted if the session times out. The default setting is 1440 minutes.
    3. Max retries: The maximum number of times the scheduler will try to rerun a failed task. The default setting is 0.
  5. Click Create.
  6. In the Tasks list, under Actions, click Edit to open the task properties.
  7. Click Create scheduled trigger and select the properties that you want to set for the trigger.

  8. Click Create, and then click Apply to add the trigger to the reload task.

Tip noteAfter adding a trigger for a reload task, click Refresh task list in the notification message or click Refresh tasks in the task list to see the next execution time for the reload task in task list.

Editing app reload tasks

Edit app reload tasks in the hub. For example, create a new scheduled trigger, update the task name or execution details, or edit the properties of a scheduled trigger.

Information note

You must have read access to HubSectionTask and be assigned the HubAdmin role, set in QMC, to edit app reload tasks in the hub.

Do the following:

  1. In the hub, right-click the app with the reload task that you want to edit, and then click Manage reload tasks.

  2. In the Tasks list, under Actions, click Edit to open the task properties.
  3. Edit the task properties.
    1. You can change the task name in the Name field.
    2. You can change the Execution properties.
      • Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the task. The task is EnabledCheck mark by default.
      • Task session timeout (minutes): The maximum period of time before a task is aborted if the session times out. The default setting is 1440 minutes.
      • Max retries: The maximum number of times the scheduler will try to rerun a failed task. The default setting is 0.
    3. Create a new trigger. Select Create scheduled trigger, set the properties (see descriptions below) for the new trigger, and then click Create to add the trigger to the reload task.
    4. Edit a scheduled trigger. In the Triggers list, under Actions, click Edit. Set the properties (see descriptions below) and click OK to save your changes.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.
Tip noteIf you modified a task trigger, click Refresh task list in the notification message. You can also click Refresh tasks to refresh the task list.

Deleting app reload tasks

You must have the appropriate permissions to delete app reload tasks in the hub.

Information note

By default, the HubAdmin role cannot delete app reload tasks. Administrators can modify the permissions in QMC for the HubAdmin role to allow this role to delete tasks, or set the following permissions for a user, set in QMC, to delete app reload tasks in the hub: read permission for HubSection_Task, read permission for ReloadTask_*, and delete permission for ReloadTask_*.

Do the following:

  1. In the hub, right-click the app with the reload task that you want to delete, and then click Manage reload tasks.

  2. In the Tasks list, under Actions, click Delete.

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