Correl - script function
Correl() returns the aggregated correlation coefficient for a series of coordinates represented by paired numbers in x-expression and y-expression iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause.
Return data type: numeric
Argument | Description |
value1, value2 | The expressions or fields containing the two sample sets for which the correlation coefficient is to be measured. |
Text values, NULL values and missing values in any or both pieces of a data-pair result in the entire data-pair being disregarded.
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your app and run it. To see the result, add the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in your app.
Example | Result |
Salary: Load *, 1 as Grp; LOAD * inline [ "Employee name"|Gender|Age|Salary Aiden Charles|Male|20|25000 Brenda Davies|Male|25|32000 Charlotte Edberg|Female|45|56000 Daroush Ferrara|Male|31|29000 Eunice Goldblum|Female|31|32000 Freddy Halvorsen|Male|25|26000 Gauri Indu|Female|36|46000 Harry Jones|Male|38|40000 Ian Underwood|Male|40|45000 Jackie Kingsley|Female|23|28000 ] (delimiter is '|'); Correl1: LOAD Grp, Correl(Age,Salary) as Correl_Salary Resident Salary Group By Grp;
In a table with the dimension Correl_Salary, the result of the Correl() calculation in the data load script will be shown: 0.9270611 |