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CancelReloadAsync Method



Cancels an ongoing reload. The reload of the app is stopped. The indexation can be canceled and true is still the return value of the reload task.

CancelReloadAsync(AsyncHandle, String)

Cancels an ongoing reload. The reload of the app is stopped. The indexation can be canceled and true is still the return value of the reload task.


Cancels an ongoing reload. The reload of the app is stopped. The indexation can be canceled and true is still the return value of the reload task.


      Task CancelReloadAsync([QixName("qReason")] string reason = null)


Type Name Description
System.String reason

Reason for why the reload was cancelled. This will be echoed back to the user in the script log.


Type Description

CancelReloadAsync(AsyncHandle, String)

Cancels an ongoing reload. The reload of the app is stopped. The indexation can be canceled and true is still the return value of the reload task.


      Task CancelReloadAsync(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, [QixName("qReason")] string reason = null)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.String reason

Reason for why the reload was cancelled. This will be echoed back to the user in the script log.


Type Description

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