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ReplaceBookmarkAsync Method


ReplaceBookmarkAsync(String, Boolean, IEnumerable<String>)

Replace a bookmark. Optional inparams to change the original bookmarks properties, original are kept if left out.

ReplaceBookmarkAsync(AsyncHandle, String, Boolean, IEnumerable<String>)

Replace a bookmark. Optional inparams to change the original bookmarks properties, original are kept if left out.

ReplaceBookmarkAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String, Boolean, IEnumerable<String>)

Replace a bookmark. Optional inparams to change the original bookmarks properties, original are kept if left out.

ReplaceBookmarkAsync(String, Boolean, IEnumerable<String>)

Replace a bookmark. Optional inparams to change the original bookmarks properties, original are kept if left out.


      Task<ReplaceBookmarkResult> ReplaceBookmarkAsync([QixName("qId")] string id, [QixName("qIgnorePatches")] bool ignorePatches = false, [QixName("qObjectIdsToPatch")] IEnumerable<string> objectIdsToPatch = null)


Type Name Description
System.String id

Identifier of the bookmark.

System.Boolean ignorePatches

Set to true to exclude patches from the bookmark. Default is false.

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String> objectIdsToPatch

Add softpatches for this objects if available. If empty all softpatches are added to the bookmark. Ignored if IgnorePatches is set to true.


Type Description

ReplaceBookmarkAsync(AsyncHandle, String, Boolean, IEnumerable<String>)

Replace a bookmark. Optional inparams to change the original bookmarks properties, original are kept if left out.


      Task<ReplaceBookmarkResult> ReplaceBookmarkAsync(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, [QixName("qId")] string id, [QixName("qIgnorePatches")] bool ignorePatches = false, [QixName("qObjectIdsToPatch")] IEnumerable<string> objectIdsToPatch = null)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.String id

Identifier of the bookmark.

System.Boolean ignorePatches

Set to true to exclude patches from the bookmark. Default is false.

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String> objectIdsToPatch

Add softpatches for this objects if available. If empty all softpatches are added to the bookmark. Ignored if IgnorePatches is set to true.


Type Description

ReplaceBookmarkAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String, Boolean, IEnumerable<String>)

Replace a bookmark. Optional inparams to change the original bookmarks properties, original are kept if left out.


      Task<T> ReplaceBookmarkAsync<T>(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, Func<Response, T> onResult, [QixName("qId")] string id, [QixName("qIgnorePatches")] bool ignorePatches = false, [QixName("qObjectIdsToPatch")] IEnumerable<string> objectIdsToPatch = null)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.Func<Response, T> onResult

Continuation function

System.String id

Identifier of the bookmark.

System.Boolean ignorePatches

Set to true to exclude patches from the bookmark. Default is false.

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String> objectIdsToPatch

Add softpatches for this objects if available. If empty all softpatches are added to the bookmark. Ignored if IgnorePatches is set to true.


Type Description

Type Parameters

Name Description

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