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CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync Method



Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

* The objects in the source app are copied into the session app.

* There is no data in the session app, unless it is reloaded.

* The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.

* The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.

* A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.

CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync(AsyncHandle, String)

Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

* The objects in the source app are copied into the session app.

* There is no data in the session app, unless it is reloaded.

* The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.

* The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.

* A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.

CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String)

Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

* The objects in the source app are copied into the session app.

* There is no data in the session app, unless it is reloaded.

* The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.

* The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.

* A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.


Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

  • The objects in the source app are copied into the session app.
  • There is no data in the session app, unless it is reloaded.
  • The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.
  • The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.
  • A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.


      public Task<CreateSessionAppFromAppResult> CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync([QixName("qSrcAppId")] string srcAppId)


Type Name Description
System.String srcAppId

App identifier of the source app. It corresponds to qAppId returned by the CreateApp method when creating the source app.


Type Description


CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync(AsyncHandle, String)

Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

  • The objects in the source app are copied into the session app.
  • There is no data in the session app, unless it is reloaded.
  • The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.
  • The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.
  • A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.


      public Task<CreateSessionAppFromAppResult> CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, [QixName("qSrcAppId")] string srcAppId)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.String srcAppId

App identifier of the source app. It corresponds to qAppId returned by the CreateApp method when creating the source app.


Type Description


CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String)

Creates a session app from a source app.

The following applies:

  • The objects in the source app are copied into the session app.
  • There is no data in the session app, unless it is reloaded.
  • The script of the session app can be edited and reloaded.
  • The name of a session app cannot be chosen. The engine automatically assigns a unique identifier to the session app.
  • A session app is not persisted and cannot be saved. Everything created during a session app is non-persisted; for example: objects, data connections.


      public Task<T> CreateSessionAppFromAppAsync<T>(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, Func<Response, T> onResult, [QixName("qSrcAppId")] string srcAppId)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.Func<Response, T> onResult

Continuation function

System.String srcAppId

App identifier of the source app. It corresponds to qAppId returned by the CreateApp method when creating the source app.


Type Description

Type Parameters

Name Description


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