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PUT /requests/{requestId}

Perform some action on a request.

This method is used to perform actions on requests such as pausing, resuming and canceling them. A 'single' or 'singlesub' request can be paused if it has not yet reached the data 'loading' phase. Cancel and pause actions can be performed on a 'multiple' app generation request that has at least one singlesub request that has not reached the 'loading' phase in which case the 'cancel' or 'pause' action applies to just that subset of sub-requests. The ODAG service will return an error if a request completes before a pause or cancel command is sent or acted upon.

Path parameters

Name Description Type

The ID of the request whose status is to be returned.


The action to perform on the request. One of: 1. cancel a pending or in-flight request (or cancel the sub-requests of a multiple app gen request that have not yet completed); 2. pause a request that is not started (i.e. still in the queued state); 3. resume a paused request; 4. acknowledge a prior cancelation or 5. acknowledge the failure of a prior, failed request.


An optional flag that will delete the generated app following a cancel (with autoAck), ackcancel or ackfailure action. This optional parameter is only considered in the cases where 'action' parameter is either 'cancel' (with auto-ack=true), 'ackcancel' or 'ackfailure'.


An optional flag that can be supplied with the 'cancel' action that, when true, will automatically transition a canceled request to the 'canceled-ack' state following its actual cancelation. Without a 'true' setting for this parameter, the 'cancel' action will transition the state to 'canceled' following actual cancelation of processing (note that there may be a delay in the interim where the state is 'canceling'). Without passing autoAck = true, a subseqeuent 'ackcancel' action must be invoked using this endpoint to acknowledge the cancelation.


An optional flag that can be supplied with the 'cancel' action that, when true, will not return an error if the request went to succeeded state while the request was being sent.



Name Description Type

Successful response - see request status in response.


Invalid request ID or action for current request state.


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