The handle of the app is 1.
1. Create a sheet SH01 (qId is SH01) in the app.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "CreateObject",
"handle": 1,
"params": [
"title": "Sheet1",
"description": "Description of sheet 1",
"qInfo": {
"qId": "SH01",
"qType": "sheet"
"qChildListDef": {
"qData": {
"title": "/title",
"description": "/description",
"meta": "/meta",
"order": "/order",
"type": "/qInfo/qType",
"id": "/qInfo/qId",
"lb": "/qListObjectDef",
"hc": "/qHyperCubeDef"
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"qReturn": {
"qType": "GenericObject",
"qHandle": 2
"qInfo": {
"qId": "SH01",
"qType": "sheet"
"change": [
The sheet is created and its handle is 2.
2. Create a list object LB01 (qId is LB01) in the sheet. The list object has Country (qFieldDefs is Country) as a dimension.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 2,
"method": "CreateChild",
"handle": 2,
"params": [
"qInfo": {
"qId": "LB01",
"qType": "ListObject"
"qListObjectDef": {
"qStateName": "$",
"qLibraryId": "",
"qDef": {
"qFieldDefs": [
"qFieldLabels": [
"Country Label"
"qSortCriterias": [
"qSortByLoadOrder": 1
"qInitialDataFetch": [
"qTop": 0,
"qHeight": 1,
"qLeft": 0,
"qWidth": 1
"title": "Title for ListObject01"
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 2,
"result": {
"qReturn": {
"qType": "GenericObject",
"qHandle": 3
"qInfo": {
"qId": "LB01",
"qType": "ListObject"
"change": [
The list object is created and its handle is 3.
3. Select the first element number (qValues is 0) in the list object (qPath is /qListObjectDef).
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 3,
"method": "SelectListObjectValues",
"handle": 3,
"params": [
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 3,
"result": {
"qSuccess": true
"change": [
The selection is successful.
4. Retrieve the first three values of the list object (qTop is 0 and qHeight is 3).
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 4,
"method": "GetListObjectData",
"handle": 3,
"params": [
"qTop": 0,
"qHeight": 3,
"qLeft": 0,
"qWidth": 1
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 4,
"result": {
"qDataPages": [
"qMatrix": [
"qText": "United States",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 0,
"qState": "S"
"qText": "Denmark",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 1,
"qState": "X"
"qText": "Spain",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 2,
"qState": "X"
"qTails": [],
"qArea": {
"qLeft": 0,
"qTop": 0,
"qWidth": 1,
"qHeight": 3
The value United States is selected.
5. Create a bookmark BM01 (qId is BM01). The handle of the request is 1 because the CreateBookmark method applies at the app level.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 5,
"method": "CreateBookmark",
"handle": 1,
"params": [
"qInfo": {
"qId": "BM01",
"qType": "Bookmark"
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 5,
"result": {
"qReturn": {
"qType": "GenericBookmark",
"qHandle": 4
"qInfo": {
"qId": "BM01",
"qType": "Bookmark"
"change": [
The bookmark is created and the handle is 4.
6. Get the handle of the field Country. The handle of the request is 1 because the GetField method applies at the app level.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 6,
"method": "GetField",
"handle": 1,
"params": [
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 6,
"result": {
"qReturn": {
"qType": "Field",
"qHandle": 5
The handle of the field Country is 5.
7. Clear the field. The handle of the request is 5 because the field to clear has 5 as a handle.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 7,
"method": "Clear",
"handle": 5,
"params": []
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 7,
"result": {
"qReturn": true
"change": [
The field Country is cleared of selections.
8. Retrieve the first three values (qTop is 0 and qHeight is 3) of the list object. The handle of the request is 3 because the list object has 3 as a handle.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 8,
"method": "GetListObjectData",
"handle": 3,
"params": [
"qTop": 0,
"qHeight": 3,
"qLeft": 0,
"qWidth": 1
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 8,
"result": {
"qDataPages": [
"qMatrix": [
"qText": "United States",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 0,
"qState": "O"
"qText": "Denmark",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 1,
"qState": "O"
"qText": "Spain",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 2,
"qState": "O"
"qTails": [],
"qArea": {
"qLeft": 0,
"qTop": 0,
"qWidth": 1,
"qHeight": 3
All values are in the optional state.
9. Apply the bookmark BM01.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 9,
"method": "ApplyBookmark",
"handle": 1,
"params": [
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 9,
"result": {
"qSuccess": true
"change": [
The bookmark is successfully applied.
10. Retrieve the first three values (qTop is 0 and qHeight is 3) of the list object. The handle of the request is 3 because the list object has 3 as a handle.
The client sends:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 10,
"method": "GetListObjectData",
"handle": 3,
"params": [
"qTop": 0,
"qHeight": 3,
"qLeft": 0,
"qWidth": 1
The engine returns:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 10,
"result": {
"qDataPages": [
"qMatrix": [
"qText": "United States",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 0,
"qState": "S"
"qText": "Denmark",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 1,
"qState": "X"
"qText": "Spain",
"qNum": "NaN",
"qElemNumber": 2,
"qState": "X"
"qTails": [],
"qArea": {
"qLeft": 0,
"qTop": 0,
"qWidth": 1,
"qHeight": 3
The value United States is selected (same result as in step 4).