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SetLooselyCoupledVector Method



Sets a list of table states, one for each table.

The following states apply:

* 0 The table is not loosely coupled.

* 1 The table is loosely coupled.

* 2 The table is loosely coupled and cannot be changed to another state using the Qlik Engine API.


Sets a list of table states, one for each table.

The following states apply:

  • 0 The table is not loosely coupled.
  • 1 The table is loosely coupled.
  • 2 The table is loosely coupled and cannot be changed to another state using the Qlik Engine API.


      bool SetLooselyCoupledVector([QixName("qv")] IEnumerable<byte> v)


Type Name Description
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Byte> v

The list of table states to set. A state will not be changed if already set to 2.


Type Description


The last three values in the vector are for internal use.

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