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GetFieldAndColumnSamples Method


GetFieldAndColumnSamples(IEnumerable<FieldOrColumn>, Int32, Int32)

Get sample values from either a column in a table or from a field.

Supports wildcard matches in tables or field names:

- '*' for zero or more characters.

- '?' for one character.

GetFieldAndColumnSamples(IEnumerable<FieldOrColumn>, Int32, Int32)

Get sample values from either a column in a table or from a field.

Supports wildcard matches in tables or field names:

- '*' for zero or more characters.

- '?' for one character.


      IEnumerable<SampleResult> GetFieldAndColumnSamples([QixName("qFieldsOrColumnsWithWildcards")] IEnumerable<FieldOrColumn> fieldsOrColumnsWithWildcards, [QixName("qMaxNumberOfValues")] int maxNumberOfValues, [QixName("qRandSeed")] int randSeed = 0)


Type Name Description
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<FieldOrColumn> fieldsOrColumnsWithWildcards

Pairs of table (optionally) and field names. Support wildcard matches.

System.Int32 maxNumberOfValues

Max number of sample values returned. Depending on the column or field size the number of returned samples can be less than MaxNumberOfValues. If MaxNumberOfValues is negative all sample values are returned.

System.Int32 randSeed

Optional. Sets the random number seed. Should only be set for test purposes.


Type Description

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