This API is reliable and breaking changes are unlikely.
Name | Description | Type |
qFallbackTitle |
Corresponds to the label of the dimension that is selected. If the label is not defined then the field name is used. |
String |
qApprMaxGlyphCount |
Length of the longest value in the field. |
Integer |
qCardinal |
Number of distinct field values. Information note
This is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. |
Integer |
qLocked |
Is set to true if the field is locked. |
Boolean |
qSortIndicator |
Sort indicator. The default value is no sorting. This parameter is optional. One of:
String |
qGroupFallbackTitles |
Array of dimension labels. Contains the labels of all dimensions in a hierarchy group (for example the labels of all dimensions in a drill down group). |
Array of String |
qGroupPos |
Index of the dimension that is currently in use. qGroupPos is set to 0 if there are no hierarchical groups (drill-down groups) or cycle groups. |
Integer |
qStateCounts | NxStateCounts | |
qTags |
Gives information on a field. For example, it can return the type of the field. Examples: key, text, ASCII |
Array of String |
qError | NxValidationError | |
qDimensionType |
Binary format of the field. One of:
String |
qReverseSort |
If set to true, it inverts the sort criteria in the field. |
Boolean |
qGrouping |
Defines the grouping. One of:
String |
qIsSemantic |
If set to true, it means that the field is a semantic. |
Boolean |
qNumFormat |
Sets the formatting of a field. The properties of qFieldAttributes and the formatting mechanism are described below. Formatting mechanismThe formatting mechanism depends on the type set in qType, as shown below: Information note
In case of inconsistencies between the type and the format pattern, the format pattern takes precedence over the type. Type is DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP or INTERVALThe following applies:
Type is INTEGERThe following applies:
Type is REALThe following applies:
Type is FIXThe following applies:
Type is MONEYThe following applies:
Type is ASCIINo formatting, qFmt is ignored. |
FieldAttributes |
qIsAutoFormat |
This parameter is set to true if qNumFormat is set to U (unknown). The engine guesses the type of the field based on the field's definition. |
Boolean |
qGroupFieldDefs |
Array of field names. |
Array of String |
qMin |
Minimum value. |
Number (double) |
qMax |
Maximum value. |
Number (double) |
qContinuousAxes |
Is continuous axis used. |
Boolean |
qIsCyclic |
Is a cyclic dimension used. |
Boolean |
qDerivedField |
Is derived field is used as a dimension. |
Boolean |
qMeasureInfo |
A List of measures to be calculated on this TreeDimension. |
Array of NxMeasureInfo |
qAttrExprInfo |
List of attribute expressions. |
Array of NxAttrExprInfo |
qAttrDimInfo |
List of attribute dimensions. |
Array of NxAttrDimInfo |
qCalcCondMsg |
The message displayed if calculation condition is not fulfilled. |
String |
qIsCalculated |
True if this is a calculated dimension. |
Boolean |
qIsOneAndOnlyOne |
If set to true, it means that the field always has one and only one selected value. |
Boolean |
qCardinalities | NxCardinalities | |
qLibraryId |
Refers to a dimension stored in the library. |
String |
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