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Id Property



Id used by the client to identify attributes, different id are used depending what attributes are targeted. 'cellBackgroundColor': For attribute expression, expression for background color of table cell. 'cellForegroundColor': For attribute expression, expression for text color of table cell. 'colorByAlternative': Can be used together with color.mode = 'byDimension' for attribute dimensions and with color.mode = 'byMeasure' for attribute expressions to color the chart using different dimensions, measures and expressions. 'colorByExpression': Used together with color.mode = 'byExpression'.

JSON property name: id


Id used by the client to identify attributes, different id are used depending what attributes are targeted. 'cellBackgroundColor': For attribute expression, expression for background color of table cell. 'cellForegroundColor': For attribute expression, expression for text color of table cell. 'colorByAlternative': Can be used together with color.mode = 'byDimension' for attribute dimensions and with color.mode = 'byMeasure' for attribute expressions to color the chart using different dimensions, measures and expressions. 'colorByExpression': Used together with color.mode = 'byExpression'.

JSON property name: id


      AttrId Id { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

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