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GetSetAnalysisAsync Method


GetSetAnalysisAsync(String, String)

Returns a set analysis expression from active selections or from a saved bookmark. Fields on the fly and Calculated dimensions will not be included in the generated expressions, instead a message indicating 'missing fields' will provided within the expression.

| | BookmarkId empty | BookmarkId set |


|StateName empty (or $) | Default selections state is returned.| Default state ($) in bookmark with id is returned. |

|StateName set | State selections is returned. | State in bookmark with id is returned. |

GetSetAnalysisAsync(AsyncHandle, String, String)

Returns a set analysis expression from active selections or from a saved bookmark. Fields on the fly and Calculated dimensions will not be included in the generated expressions, instead a message indicating 'missing fields' will provided within the expression.

| | BookmarkId empty | BookmarkId set |


|StateName empty (or $) | Default selections state is returned.| Default state ($) in bookmark with id is returned. |

|StateName set | State selections is returned. | State in bookmark with id is returned. |

GetSetAnalysisAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String, String)

Returns a set analysis expression from active selections or from a saved bookmark. Fields on the fly and Calculated dimensions will not be included in the generated expressions, instead a message indicating 'missing fields' will provided within the expression.

| | BookmarkId empty | BookmarkId set |


|StateName empty (or $) | Default selections state is returned.| Default state ($) in bookmark with id is returned. |

|StateName set | State selections is returned. | State in bookmark with id is returned. |

GetSetAnalysisAsync(String, String)

Returns a set analysis expression from active selections or from a saved bookmark. Fields on the fly and Calculated dimensions will not be included in the generated expressions, instead a message indicating 'missing fields' will provided within the expression.

| | BookmarkId empty | BookmarkId set |


|StateName empty (or $) | Default selections state is returned.| Default state ($) in bookmark with id is returned. |

|StateName set | State selections is returned. | State in bookmark with id is returned. |


      Task<string> GetSetAnalysisAsync([QixName("qStateName")] string stateName = null, [QixName("qBookmarkId")] string bookmarkId = null)


Type Name Description
System.String stateName

Optional. The name of the state to get set analysis expression for. If left empty, the default state will be retrieved.

System.String bookmarkId

Optional. The Id of the bookmark to get the set analysis expression for. If left empty, the current selection will be retrieved.


Type Description

GetSetAnalysisAsync(AsyncHandle, String, String)

Returns a set analysis expression from active selections or from a saved bookmark. Fields on the fly and Calculated dimensions will not be included in the generated expressions, instead a message indicating 'missing fields' will provided within the expression.

| | BookmarkId empty | BookmarkId set |


|StateName empty (or $) | Default selections state is returned.| Default state ($) in bookmark with id is returned. |

|StateName set | State selections is returned. | State in bookmark with id is returned. |


      Task<string> GetSetAnalysisAsync(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, [QixName("qStateName")] string stateName = null, [QixName("qBookmarkId")] string bookmarkId = null)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.String stateName

Optional. The name of the state to get set analysis expression for. If left empty, the default state will be retrieved.

System.String bookmarkId

Optional. The Id of the bookmark to get the set analysis expression for. If left empty, the current selection will be retrieved.


Type Description

GetSetAnalysisAsync<T>(AsyncHandle, Func<Response, T>, String, String)

Returns a set analysis expression from active selections or from a saved bookmark. Fields on the fly and Calculated dimensions will not be included in the generated expressions, instead a message indicating 'missing fields' will provided within the expression.

| | BookmarkId empty | BookmarkId set |


|StateName empty (or $) | Default selections state is returned.| Default state ($) in bookmark with id is returned. |

|StateName set | State selections is returned. | State in bookmark with id is returned. |


      Task<T> GetSetAnalysisAsync<T>(AsyncHandle asyncHandle, Func<Response, T> onResult, [QixName("qStateName")] string stateName = null, [QixName("qBookmarkId")] string bookmarkId = null)


Type Name Description
AsyncHandle asyncHandle

Handle to asynchronous method request

System.Func<Response, T> onResult

Continuation function

System.String stateName

Optional. The name of the state to get set analysis expression for. If left empty, the default state will be retrieved.

System.String bookmarkId

Optional. The Id of the bookmark to get the set analysis expression for. If left empty, the current selection will be retrieved.


Type Description

Type Parameters

Name Description

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