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CreateGenericObject Method



Creates a generic object at app level. For more information on generic objects, see Generic object.

It is possible to create a generic object that is linked to another object.

A linked object is an object that points to a linking object. The linking object is defined in the properties of the linked object (in qExtendsId ).

The linked object has the same properties as the linking object.


Creates a generic object at app level. For more information on generic objects, see Generic object.

It is possible to create a generic object that is linked to another object.

A linked object is an object that points to a linking object. The linking object is defined in the properties of the linked object (in qExtendsId ).

The linked object has the same properties as the linking object.


CreateGenericObjectResult CreateGenericObject([QixName("qProp")] GenericObjectProperties prop)


Type Name Description
GenericObjectProperties prop

Information about the object.


Type Description


The linking object cannot be a transient object.

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