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This topic describes how to work with selections in a hypercube. There are different ways of making selections in a hypercube. You can select on the cell level, on values in a specific dimension, and within ranges.

Example: Make selection in a hypercube

            IEnumerable<int> rowIndices = new[] { 1, 2, 2 };
            IEnumerable<int> colIndices = new[] { 1, 1, 2 };

            IEnumerable<int> values = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            bool toggleMode = false;
            bool softLock = true;
            int dimNo = 0;

Making selections on cell level

Selections on hypercubes can be made on the cell level, specifying rowIndices and colIndices.

Example: Make selection on the cell level in a hypercube

            bool didSelectCells = myTable.SelectCells(rowIndices, colIndices, softLock);

Making selections on values in a specific dimension

You can make selections on values in a specific dimension.

Example: Make selection on values in a specific dimension

		int measureIndexA = 0; // The index of the first measure to base range selection on
		NxRangeSelectInfo selectInfoMeasureA = new NxRangeSelectInfo{MeasureIx = measureIndexA, Range = new Range{Min = 5, Max = 10}};
		int measureIndexB = 1; // The index of the second measure to base range selection on
		NxRangeSelectInfo selectInfoMeasureB = new NxRangeSelectInfo{MeasureIx = measureIndexB, Range = new Range{Min = 0.5, Max = 1.0}};
		didSelectCells = table.RangeSelectValues(new List<NxRangeSelectInfo> {selectInfoMeasureA, selectInfoMeasureB});

Example: Make range selections over measure values

            int measureIndexA = 0; // Then index of the first measure to base range selection on the
            NxRangeSelectInfo selectInfoMeasureA = new NxRangeSelectInfo{MeasureIx = measureIndexA, Range = new Range{Min = 5, Max = 10}};

            int measureIndexB = 1; // Then index of the second measure to base range selection on the
            NxRangeSelectInfo selectInfoMeasureB = new NxRangeSelectInfo { MeasureIx = measureIndexB, Range = new Range { Min = 0.5, Max = 1.0 } };

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