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Indicates which selections are currently applied. It gives the current selections. Is the layout for SelectionObjectDef.


Selection object properties
Name Description Type
BackCount Number of steps back. Integer
ForwardCount Number of steps forward. Integer
Selections Lists the fields that are selected.

Array of NxCurrentSelectionItem


"qSelectionObject": { "qBackCount": 1, "qForwardCount": 0, "qSelections": [ { "qTotal": 22, "qField": "Country", "qSelectedCount": 2, "qSelected": "United States, Denmark", "qRangeInfo": [], "qSortIndex": 0 }, { "qTotal": 6, "qField": "Language", "qSelectedCount": 1, "qSelected": "English", "qRangeInfo": [], "qSortIndex": 1 }, { "qTotal": 2, "qField": "Temp", "qSelectedCount": 1, "qSelected": "Celsius", "qRangeInfo": [], "qSortIndex": 2 }, { "qTotal": 2, "qField": "Rainfall", "qSelectedCount": 1, "qSelected": "Inches", "qRangeInfo": [], "qSortIndex": 3 } ] }

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