Editing proxies
You can edit a proxy that you have update rights to.
Open the QMC: https://<QPS server name>/qmc
Select Proxies on the QMC start page or from the Start
drop-down menu to display the overview.
Select the proxies that you want to edit.
Click Edit in the action bar.
Edit the properties.
All fields are mandatory and must not be empty.
Identification properties Property Description Default value Node
The proxy name. Inherits the node name. Ports properties Property Description Default value Service listen port HTTPS (default) The secure listen port for the proxy, which by default manages all Qlik Sense communication.
Information noteMake sure that port 443 is available for the Qlik Sense Proxy Service (QPS) to use because the port is sometimes used by other software, for example, web servers.Information noteIf you change the default listening port 443 or 80 in the QMC, you must use the new port number in the URL to be able to go to the QMC or Hub. Then the QMC address is https://<QPS server name>:Service listen port HTTP/qmc.443 Authentication listen port The listen port for the internal authentication module.
Information noteWhen editing this port as a user without admin privileges, you need to run the repository in bootstrap mode before the changes take effect. See: Services4244 Kerberos authentication Select to enable Kerberos authentication.
Warning noteIf the Kerberos authentication setup is incorrectly configured, you risk locking yourself out from the QMC.Not selected REST API listen port The listen port for the proxy API.
Information noteWhen editing this port as a user without admin privileges, you need to run the repository in bootstrap mode before the changes take effect. See: Services4243 Allow HTTP Unencrypted communication is allowed if the proxy property Allow HTTP is selected. This means that both https (secure communication) and http (unencrypted communication) are allowed. Then the QMC address is https://<QPS server name>:Service listen port HTTP/qmc (where https can be replaced by http). By default, the QMC address is https://<QPS server name>/qmc.
Warning noteIf you change the property Allow HTTP, note that all web browser bookmarks (that Qlik Sense users or QMC admin users have created) will be invalid.Information noteThe Service listen port HTTP needs to be set when Allow HTTP is checked.Information noteA user cannot have multiple engine sessions using different protocols.False (not allowed) Service listen port HTTP The unencrypted listen port, used when HTTP connection is allowed.
80 Advanced properties Property Description Default value Value range Max header lines The maximum number of lines in the header. 100 20–1000 Max header size (bytes) The maximum total header size. 16384 512–131072 Keep-alive timeout (seconds) The maximum timeout period for a single HTTP/HTTPS request before closing the connection. Protection against denial-of-service attacks. This means that if an ongoing request exceeds this period, Qlik Sense proxy will close the connection. Increase this value if your users work over slow connections and experience closed connections.
10 1–300 The Logging property group contains the proxy logging and tracing properties in the Qlik Sense system.
Logging properties Property Description Default value Audit activity log level Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Basic: a limited set of entries
Basic Audit security log level Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Basic: a limited set of entries
Basic Service log level Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Error: only error entries
- Warning: same as error, but also including warning entries
- Info: same as warning, but also including information entries
Tracing settings information Setting Description Value Performance log interval (minutes)
The interval of performance logging. 5 minutes
Audit log level More detailed, user-based messages are saved to this logger, for example, proxy calls.
Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Fatal: only fatal entries
- Error: same as fatal, but also including error entries
- Warning: same as error, but also including warning entries
- Info: same as warning, but also including information entries
- Debug: same as info, but also including debug entries
Info Performance log level All the performance messages are saved to this logger. For example, performance counters and number of connections, streams, sessions, tickets, web sockets and load balancing information.
Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Fatal: only fatal entries
- Error: same as fatal, but also including error entries
- Warning: same as error, but also including warning entries
- Info: same as warning, but also including information entries
- Debug: same as info, but also including debug entries
Info Security log level All the certificates messages are saved to this logger.
Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Fatal: only fatal entries
- Error: same as fatal, but also including error entries
- Warning: same as error, but also including warning entries
- Info: same as warning, but also including information entries
- Debug: same as info, but also including debug entries
Info System log level All the standard proxy messages are saved to this logger.
Use the drop-down to set the verbosity of the logger:
- Off: no entries
- Fatal: only fatal entries
- Error: same as fatal, but also including error entries
- Warning: same as error, but also including warning entries
- Info: same as warning, but also including information entries
- Debug: same as info, but also including debug entries
Info Information noteThe default path to the Qlik Sense log folder is %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\<Service>.Security properties Property Description SSL browser certificate thumbprint
The thumbprint of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that handles the encryption of traffic from the browser to the proxy. When editing a proxy certificate and the Qlik Sense services run with an account without administrator privileges (see Services), you need to configure the private key permissions for the certificate, (see Changing to a signed server proxy certificate). Information noteTo be valid, the certificate must contain a private key. The certificate should be installed to the Local Computer / Computer Account > Personal portion of MMC for the user account that is used to run the Qlik Sense Proxy Service.Information noteWhen using a third-party certificate, it is required that the certificate is trusted in Windows, and that the private key is stored with the certificate in the Windows certificate store. The certificate should be installed to the Local Computer / Computer Account > Personal portion of MMC for the user account that is used to run the Qlik Sense Proxy Service.Information noteQlik Sense supports the same certificates as Windows certificate store, depending on the certificates allowed by the Windows server configuration. Typically, this includes signing algorithms based on SHA-1 and SHA-2 (SHA-256 and SHA-384). It is recommended to use at least one of the SHA-2 variants.Tags properties Property Description Tags Tip noteIf no tags are available, this property group is empty.Connected tags are displayed under the text box.
Information noteIf no custom properties are available, this property group is not displayed at all (or displayed but empty) and you must make a custom property available for this resource type before it will be displayed here.Click Apply to save your changes. If a mandatory field is empty, Apply is disabled. - Edit the fields under Associated items.
Click Apply in the action bar to save your changes.
Information noteIn most cases, the proxy must be restarted when you apply changes. Sessions handled by this proxy are ended and the users are logged out. Changes to the following resources will not generate an automatic restart of the proxy: Tags, Custom properties, Logging (Audit activity log level, Audit security log level, and Service log level), Tracing (Audit log level, Performance log level, Security log level, and System log level).
Property | Description |
Description | The description of the virtual proxy. |
Prefix | The path name in the proxy’s URI that defines each additional path. |
Session cookie header name | The name of the HTTP header used for the session cookie. |
Is default virtual proxy |
Status values: Yes or No. |
Successfully updated is displayed at the bottom of the page.