Synchronizing with user directories
You can synchronize the user data from the user directories.
Do the following:
Open the QMC: https://<QPS server name>/qmc
Select User directory connectors on the QMC start page or from the Start
drop-down menu to display the overview.
Verify that the user directory connector is Configured and Operational.
Warning noteIf the user directory connector is not Configured or Operational, synchronization cannot be performed. The value of the User directory must be unique; otherwise the connector cannot be configured. Check the UserManagement_Repository log at this location: %ProgramData%\Qlik\Sense\Log\Repository\Trace. -
Before you start the synchronization you might want to check if all or only the existing users will be synchronized. Select the user directory connector, click Edit and look at the setting Sync user data for existing users under User sync settings:
- When selected, only the existing users are synchronized. An existing user is a user who has logged in to Qlik Sense and/or been previously synchronized from the configured directory service.
- When not selected, all the users, defined by the properties for the UDC, are synchronized from the configured directory service. You can create a filter to Active Directory, ApacheDS, Generic LDAP, or Advanced LDAP, if you only want to synchronize a selection of users.
Information noteThe user attributes are only synced when a user logs in to the hub. Even if you delete the user in the QMC, the active session is still valid for the user that has been deleted. If the hub is only refreshed, the user is added to the database, but without any attributes. -
Go back to the overview by clicking on User directory connectors in the top left corner.
Select the user directory that you want to synchronize.
Click Sync in the in the action bar. Starting synchronization of the selected user directories is displayed at the bottom of the page. During the synchronization the Status column displays:
- External fetch
- Database store
- Idle
When Idle is displayed, verify that Last successfully finished sync date and time is updated.
Information note If the status is displayed as Idle and Last started sync is more recent than Last successfully finished sync, the synchronization has failed.
You have now synchronized the user data from the selected user directories. Select Users from the start page to display the updated user table.