Reload app
The data in an app can be reloaded in different ways:
- The user manually reloads the app data in the Qlik Management Console (QMC).
- The app data is reloaded by a scheduled task in the repository database.
- The user manually loads data in the data load editor. Information on such reloads is logged in <MachineName>_AuditActivity_Engine.txt.
Qlik Sense performs the following procedure:
- A request is sent to the Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS).
- The QRS contacts the Qlik Sense Scheduler Service (QSS).
- The QSS starts the reload task.
- The QSS contacts the Qlik Sense Engine Service (QES) and initiates a reload of the app.
In case of success, log entries are written in the following files throughout the procedure:
- <MachineName>_AuditActivity_Repository.txt
- <MachineName>_AuditActivity_Engine.txt
- <MachineName>_AuditActivity_Scheduler.txt