Viewing and filtering audit query results
You can filter the query results using the drop-down property lists.
Do the following:
Define a query and click Audit as appropriate.
The query results are shown in the table.
Information noteInactive users are not shown.
- Click Privileges to audit and select the privileges to display.By default, the read privileges are displayed. What privileges that are available for a particular audit depends on the selected resource. The following table presents the different cell colors.
Cell colors Color Description White No rules exist to provide access. Green Access is granted. Yellow Access is disabled. Red Rule evaluation is broken.
Blue Preview color when editing or creating a new rule. -
Double-click a cell in the matrix to open the Associated rules window.
The Associated rules window shows the security rules that give access to the selected user/resource combination.
Select a rule and click Edit to open the edit page.
Information noteYou can only view security rules that you have access rights to read.