log4net.Layout.PatternLayout and a couple of custom converters are used to format rows in logs based on QSRollingFileAppender:
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.CounterPatternConverter: Add a sequence number to the log row. Parameter:
- Integer: The last number of the sequence before it is reset.
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.Iso8601TimeOffsetPatternConverter: Add a time stamp (local time with time offset in ISO 8601 format) to the log row.
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.HostNamePatternConverter: Add the host name to the log row.
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.GuidPatternConverter: Add a GUID to the log row.
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.ServiceUserNameCachedPatternConverter: Add the username to the log row.
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.EncodedMessagePatternConverter: Add the encoded message to the log row.
- Qlik.Sense.Logging.log4net.Layout.Pattern.EncodedExceptionPatternConverter: Add information on the logged exception to the log row. Parameter (one of the following):
- MESSAGE: The message in the logged exception.
- INNERMOSTMESSAGE: The message in the innermost exception of the logged exception.
- SOURCE: The source of the exception (that is, the name of the app or the object that caused the error).
- STACKTRACE: The stack trace for the exception.
- TARGETSITE: The target site for the exception (that is, the method that threw the current exception).
- HELPLINK: Link to the help file associated with the exception.