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Upgrading or Uninstalling the Replicate SAP Extractor

The following instructions explain how to upgrade and uninstall the Replicate SAP Extractor.

Upgrading the Replicate SAP Extractor

To upgrade the Replicate SAP Extractor, apply the Install transport.

Uninstalling the Replicate SAP Extractor

To uninstall the Replicate SAP Extractor, apply the Delete transport.

Deleting the remaining objects

The deletion transports will remove the objects in the /QTQVC/* namespace.

To delete the artifacts created by the Replicate for SAP Extractors, the entries described below will need to be removed. First in the Development environment, and then transported to any other systems where they might be present (assuming they were transported).

Assignment of source systems to BIW systems including IDoc type (your SLOGSYS will be different) – RSBASIDOC

This entry will be removed using function RSAP_BIW_DISCONNECT with the following parameters (using our example):

Data browser showing RSBASIDOC table


Transaction WE20

Select the Logical System created for the Replicate for SAP Extractors, and then delete.

Window showing the logical systems created for the SAP Extractors

Transaction WE21

Select the IDoc Port used in the partner profile in WE20, and then delete.

Ports in IDOC processing window.

Transaction WE30

Select the IDoc Port used for message type RSSEND in the partner profile in WE20, and then delete.

Develop IDOC types: initial screen.

Below are the logical system entries that need to be deleted and collected in a transport.


Data browser showing TBDLS table


Data browser showing TBDLST table

RFC Destination entries as well as ports and IDOC entries are listed below.

You can use R3TR TABU to manually delete the following table entries into a Customizing request


Data browser showing RFCDES table


Data browser showing RFCDOC table


Data browser showing RFCATTRIB table

The following entries should be deleted with transaction WE20, but you should confirm they are removed and collected in a transport.

Partner Profile Table – EDPP1

Data browser showing table EDPP1

Outbound Parameters – EDP13

Data browser showing table EDP13

Inbound parameters – EDP21

Data browser showing table EDP21

The following entries should be deleted with transaction WE21, but you should confirm they are removed and collected in a transport.

Port Header Table - EDIPOA

Data browser showing table EDIPOA

Port Table – EDIPORT

Data browser showing table EDIPORT

The following entries should be deleted with transaction WE30, but you should confirm they are removed and collected in a transport.

IDOC Message type – EDIMSG

Data browser showing table EDIMSG

Deleting the ZQLIK* Tables

Select and then delete all the entries in “Manage extractors”

ZQLIK tables

Collect all of the deleted ZQLIK* TABU entries and the ZQD* PROG program entries if you need to transport them.

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