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Receiving product-supplied modules and scripts

The following instructions explain how to download and receive the required modules and scripts.

To receive the load modules and installation components:

  1. Download R4Z as described in Prerequisites.

  2. Unzip the file contents to your workstation.

    The zip file contains the following files:

    • r4z.vxx.ryy.spzz.install.xmit – JCLs; ISPF dialog components.

      Information note

      The version identifiers, namely: major release, minor release, and service pack, are indicated by xx, yy and zz respectively.

    • r4z.vxx.ryy.spzz.load.xmit – Executable load modules.
    • version.txt – A text file listing the version identifiers in this kit.
    • r4zrrcv.txt – A sample job for populating the INSTALL and LOAD libraries from the matching XMIT files.
  3. Pre-allocate the following 1 cylinder datasets with LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS:

    • <xmit-HLQ>.INSTALL
    • <xmit-HLQ>.LOAD
  4. Perform a binary transfer of r4z.vxx.ryy.spzz.load.xmit to <xmit-HLQ>.LOAD and of r4z.vxx.ryy.spzz.install.xmit to <xmit-HLQ>.INSTALL.

  5. In TSO, use the RECEIVE command to create and populate the INSTALL and LOAD libraries from the matching xmit files, which should now exist in the host z/OS.

    You can do that in either of the following methods:

    • Use the sample job provided in r4zrrcv.txt (see below) to invoke the RECEIVE command.
    • Run the RECEIVE command directly under TSO:

      1. From the ISPF TSO command shell run the command bellow per each library <type>, INSTALL or LOAD:

        Receive indsn('<xmit-HLQ>.<type>')

      2. When prompted INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +, respond with the output dataset and other parameters; for example: Receive dsn('<r4z-vnd-HLQ>.<type>').

        These RECEIVE commands will populate the INSTALL and LOAD libraries.

Sample Job

Below is the sample RECEIVE job found in the r4zrrcv.txt file. For non-SMS datasets, change <volser> to a valid volume serial number. For SMS datasets, delete UNIT and VOLUME.






DSNAME('<r4z-vnd-HLQ>.INSTALL') UNIT(3390) VOLUME(<volser>)


DSNAME('<r4z-vnd-HLQ>.LOAD') UNIT(3390) VOLUME(<volser>)

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