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The following section describes the prerequisites for working with the Qlik Replicate IBM DB2 for iSeries endpoint.

Information note

iAccess ODBC driver 7.1.0. is not supported.


The following section explains how to install the driver required by the IBM DB2 for iSeries endpoint.

Replicate on Windows

  1. Download the IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package from the IBM website.

    For more information, see

  2. Install the downloaded package on the Replicate server.

    This will install the iSeries Access ODBC Driver that is used by Replicate. The version supported by Replicate is 13.64.xx.

    After the installation completes, an entry will be added to the Drivers tab in the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator application.


    IBM i Access ODBC Driver version 13.64.26

Information note

The displayed driver version will differ according to where you view it. For instance, assuming the driver version is as in the above example, then:

  • In the Replicate task logs, the driver will appear as ODBC driver version: '07.01.026'.
  • In the package’s readme file, the version will will appear as 5733-XJ1 Version:

Replicate on Linux

  1. Download the IBM i Access Client Solutions Linux Application Package from the IBM website.

    For more information, see

  2. Stop the Replicate service:

    ./areplicate stop
  3. Optionally, confirm that the service has stopped:

    ./areplicate status
  4. Install the RPM that is included in the downloaded package.


    rpm -i ibm-iaccess-

    Information note

    The displayed driver version will different in the Replicate task logs. For instance, assuming the driver version is as in the above example, it will appear as ODBC driver version: '07.01.026' in the Replicate task logs.

  5. Change the working directory to <Replicate_Install_Dir>/bin.

  6. Add the DB2 driver location to the Linux library path.

    To do this, add the following line to the site_ file in <install_dir>/replicate/bin:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/lib64

    where path is the path to the driver.


    echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/ibm/iaccess/lib64" >>

  7. Optionally, confirm that the driver location was copied:

  8. After the installation completes, open the /etc/odbcinst.ini file and make sure it contains the following section:

    [IBM i Access ODBC Driver 64-bit]
    Description = IBM i Access for Linux 64-bit ODBC Driver Driver = /opt/ibm/iaccess/lib64/ Setup = /opt/ibm/iaccess/lib64/ Threading = 0 DontDLClose = 1 UsageCount = 1
  9. Start the Replicate service:

    ./areplicate start
  10. Optionally, confirm that the service has started:

    ./areplicate status

Change processing

Journal prerequisites

All of the source tables for a given replication task need to be journaled to the same journal. The name of the journal and the library in which it is located must be specified in the endpoint settings. During the task, Replicate polls this journal for changes to the source tables.

When you start journaling the source tables, the Record images parameter can be set to *BOTH (for capturing before and after images) or *AFTER.

When the Record images parameter set to *AFTER. deleted records will contain NULL values in their data fields. To save a copy of the deleted record to the deleted record journal, you must set the Record images parameter set to *BOTH.

Information note

If you need to run several replication tasks (that replicate data from IBM DB2 for iSeries), it is more efficient (though not essential) to create a separate journal for each task. As only one journal can be specified per endpoint, you would also need to define a separate endpoint for each task.

MINENTDTA parameter

The MINENTDTA parameter must be set to *NONE as *FILE (minimal logging) is not supported.


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