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Overriding the default settings

A transformation can be defined that overrides the topic and ordering key settings defined in the General tab.

Information note

Before you can define such a transformation, you first need to add a source endpoint to the task and select the tables you want to replicate.

To define a transformation:

  1. Open the task you defined.
  2. If you are defining a transformation for a single table, select one of the source tables. Otherwise, skip to Step 3.
  3. Define a transformation that adds one of the following columns:

    Information note

    The columns listed below (prefixed with a $) instruct Replicate to route the message to the desired topic and will not be included in the actual message itself.

    • $topic - To write messages to a specific topic.
    • $orderingkey - To create a custom ordering key.

    For information on creating a transformation for a single table, see Defining transformations for a single table/view.

    For information on creating a global transformation rule, see Starting the Global Transformation Rules wizard.

  4. Define an expression for the new column that returns the following values:
    • For a $topic column, the expression should return the topic name.
    • For a $orderingkey column, the expression should return the ordering key contents. Note that the expression must return a non-empty value.

    For information on creating expressions, see Using the Expression Builder.

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