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Setting up a non-sysadmin user when working with AlwaysOn availability groups

This topic explains how to support a non-sysadmin user when working with AlwaysOn availability groups. For information on setting up non-sysadmin in a standard environment, see Setting up a non-sysadmin user in a standalone environment.

To support a non-sysadmin user when working with AlwayOn availability groups:

  1. Set up Microsoft SQL Server for Replication as described in Setting up Microsoft SQL Server for replication.
  2. Enable MS-REPLICATION on the source database. This can either be done manually or by running the task once using a sysadmin user.

    Information note

    MS-REPLICATION distributor should either be configured as local or in a way that allows access to non-sysadmin users via the associated linked server.

  1. If the Exclusive automatic truncation endpoint option is enabled, stop the MS-REPLICATION Log Reader job.
  2. On each replica perform the following steps (a-l):
    1. Create schema [attrep] in the Master DB.
    2. Create the table valued function [attrep].[split_partition_list] on the Master database, as follows:

      USE [master]
      set ansi_nulls on
      set quoted_identifier on
      if (object_id('[attrep].[split_partition_list]','TF')) is not null
      drop  function [attrep].[split_partition_list];
      create function [attrep].[split_partition_list] 
      @plist varchar(8000),	--A delimited list of partitions	
      @dlm nvarchar(1)	--Delimiting character
      returns @partitionsTable table --Table holding the BIGINT values of the string fragments
      pid bigint primary key
      declare @partition_id bigint;
      declare @dlm_pos integer;
      declare @dlm_len integer;
      set @dlm_len = len(@dlm);
      while (charindex(@dlm,@plist)>0)
      set @dlm_pos = charindex(@dlm,@plist);
      set @partition_id = cast( ltrim(rtrim(substring(@plist,1,@dlm_pos-1))) as bigint);
      insert into @partitionsTable (pid) values (@partition_id)
      set @plist = substring(@plist,@dlm_pos+@dlm_len,len(@plist));
      set @partition_id = cast (ltrim(rtrim(@plist)) as bigint);
      insert into @partitionsTable (pid) values (  @partition_id  );
    3. Create procedure [attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog] on the Master database, as follows:

      USE [master]
      use [MASTER] 
      if (object_id('[attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog]','P')) is not null
      drop procedure [attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog]; 
      set ansi_nulls on
      set quoted_identifier on 
      create procedure [attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog]
      @start_lsn        varchar(32),
      @seqno            integer,
      @filename         varchar(260),
      @partition_list        varchar(8000), -- A comma delimited list: P1,P2,... Pn
      @programmed_filtering integer,
      @minPartition     bigint,
      @maxPartition     bigint
      as begin
              declare @start_lsn_cmp varchar(32); -- Stands against the GT comparator
              SET NOCOUNT ON  -- Disable "rows affected display"
              set @start_lsn_cmp = @start_lsn;
              if (@start_lsn_cmp) is null
                      set @start_lsn_cmp = '00000000:00000000:0000';
              if (@partition_list is null)
                      RAISERROR ('Null partition list waspassed',16,1);
                      --set @partition_list = '0,';    -- A dummy which is never matched
              if (@start_lsn) is not null
                      set @start_lsn = '0x'+@start_lsn;
      if (@programmed_filtering=0)
                      [Current LSN],
                      [Transaction ID],
                      [Transaction Name],
                      [Begin Time],
                      [End Time],
                      [Flag Bits],
                      [Page ID],
                      [Slot ID],
                      [RowLog Contents 0],
                      [Log Record],
                      [RowLog Contents 1] -- After Image
                      fn_dump_dblog (
                              @start_lsn, NULL, N'DISK', @seqno, @filename,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
              where [Current LSN] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS > @start_lsn_cmp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -- This aims for implementing FN_DBLOG based on GT comparator.
                (  [operation] in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_COMMIT_XACT','LOP_ABORT_XACT') )
                (  [operation] in ('LOP_INSERT_ROWS','LOP_DELETE_ROWS','LOP_MODIFY_ROW')
                      ( ( [context]   in ('LCX_HEAP','LCX_CLUSTERED','LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST') ) or ([context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX') )
                      and       [PartitionID] in ( select * from master.attrep.split_partition_list (@partition_list,','))
                ([operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL')
                      [Current LSN],
                      [Transaction ID],
                      [Transaction Name],
                      [Begin Time],
                      [End Time],
                      [Flag Bits],
                      [Page ID],
                      [Slot ID],
                      [RowLog Contents 0],
                      [Log Record],
                      [RowLog Contents 1] -- After Image
                      fn_dump_dblog (
                              @start_lsn, NULL, N'DISK', @seqno, @filename,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default,
                              default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
              where [Current LSN] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS > @start_lsn_cmp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS -- This aims for implementing FN_DBLOG based on GT comparator.
                (  [operation] in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT','LOP_COMMIT_XACT','LOP_ABORT_XACT') )
                (  [operation] in ('LOP_INSERT_ROWS','LOP_DELETE_ROWS','LOP_MODIFY_ROW')
                      ( ( [context]   in ('LCX_HEAP','LCX_CLUSTERED','LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST') ) or ([context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX') )
                      and           ([PartitionID] is not null) and ([PartitionID] >= @minPartition and [PartitionID]<=@maxPartition)
                ([operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL')
              SET NOCOUNT OFF -- Re-enable "rows affected display"
    4. Create certificate on Master DB:

      Use [master]
      CREATE CERTIFICATE [attrep_rtm_dump_dblog_cert]
      ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = N'choose_your_own_pwd'
      WITH SUBJECT = N'Certificate for FN_DUMP_DBLOG Permissions';
    5. Create login from the certificate as follows:

      Use [master]
      CREATE LOGIN attrep_rtm_dump_dblog_login FROM CERTIFICATE
    6. Add the login to the sysadmin server role as follows:

      ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [attrep_rtm_dump_dblog_login];
    7. Add the signature to [master].[attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog] by the certificate as follows:

      Use [master]
      TO [master].[attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog]
      BY CERTIFICATE [attrep_rtm_dump_dblog_cert]
      					WITH PASSWORD = 'choose_your_own_pwd';
      Information note

      If the stored procedure is recreated, you need to add the signature again.

    8. Create procedure [attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] on the Master database, as follows:

      use [master]
      if object_id('[attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]','P') is not null
      DROP PROCEDURE [attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp];
      create procedure [attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]
      @dbname                sysname,      -- Database name
      @seqno                 integer,      -- Backup set sequence/position number within file
      @filename              varchar(260), -- The backup filename
      @1stTimeStamp          varchar(40)   -- The timestamp to position by
      as begin
      SET NOCOUNT ON       -- Disable "rows affected display"
      declare @firstMatching table
      cLsn varchar(32),
      bTim datetime
      declare @sql nvarchar(4000)
      declare @nl                       char(2)
      declare @tb                       char(2)
      declare @fnameVar                 nvarchar(254) = 'NULL'
      set @nl  = char(10); -- New line
      set @tb  = char(9)   -- Tab separator
      if (@filename is not null)
      set @fnameVar = ''''+@filename +''''
      set @sql='use ['+@dbname+'];'+@nl+
      'select top 1 [Current LSN],[Begin Time]'+@nl+
      'FROM fn_dump_dblog (NULL, NULL, NULL, '+ cast(@seqno as varchar(10))+','+ @fnameVar+','+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default,'+@nl+
      @tb+'default, default, default, default, default, default, default)'+@nl+
      'where operation=''LOP_BEGIN_XACT''' +@nl+
      'and [Begin Time]>= cast('+''''+@1stTimeStamp+''''+' as datetime)'+@nl
      --print @sql
      delete from  @firstMatching 
      insert into @firstMatching  exec sp_executesql @sql    -- Get them all
      select top 1 cLsn as [matching LSN],convert(varchar,bTim,121) as [matching Timestamp] from @firstMatching;
      SET NOCOUNT OFF      -- Re-enable "rows affected display"
    9. Create certificate on Master DB:

      Use [master]
      CREATE CERTIFICATE [attrep_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert]
      ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = N'choose_your_own_pwd'
      WITH SUBJECT = N'Certificate for FN_POSITION_1st_TIMESTAMP Permissions';
    10. Create login from the certificate as follows:

      Use [master]
      CREATE LOGIN attrep_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_login FROM CERTIFICATE
    11. Add the login to the sysadmin server role as follows:

      ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [attrep_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_login];
    12. Add the signature to [master].[attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp] by the certificate as follows:

      Use [master]
      TO [master].[attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]
      BY CERTIFICATE [attrep_rtm_position_1st_timestamp_cert]
      WITH PASSWORD = 'choose_your_own_pwd';
      Information note

      If the stored procedure is recreated, you need to add the signature again.

  3. Create a user with the following permissions/roles (in each of the following databases):

    Information note

    The login should be created with the same SID on each replica.

    • Master DB (on each replica) :
      • select on sys.fn_dblog
      • view any definition
      • view server state (should be granted to the login).
      • execute on sp_repldone
      • execute on sp_replincrementlsn
      • execute on sp_addpublication
      • execute on sp_addarticle
      • execute on sp_articlefilter
      • select on [attrep].[split_partition_list]
      • execute on [attrep].[rtm_dump_dblog]
      • execute on [attrep].[rtm_position_1st_timestamp]
    • MSDB DB (on each replica):
      • select on msdb.dbo.backupset
      • select on msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily
      • select on msdb.dbo.backupfile
    • For the source database (as the database is synchronized, it can be done on the primary replica only):
      • db_owner ROLE

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