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FieldAttrType type

Field attribute type values
Type Value Description


Data type is unknown. If possible values are treated as numbers, otherwise as text.


Forces values to be treated as text.


Values will be interpreted as integers.


Values will be interpreted as numbers with a fixed number of significant digits defined by FieldAttributes.nDec.


Values will be interpreted as numbers with a fixed number of decimals defined by FieldAttributes.nDec.


Values will be interpreted as money according to the format string specified by FieldAttrType.Fmt.


Values will be interpreted as dates according to the format string specified by FieldAttrType.Fmt. Values streamed as QVX_IEEE_REAL should be implemented as OLE Automation date, that is, floating-point value counting days since midnight, 30 December 1899.


Values will be interpreted as time according to the format string specified by FieldAttrType.Fmt.


Values will be interpreted as time stamps according to the format string specified by FieldAttrType.Fmt.


Values will be interpreted as time intervals according to the format string specified by FieldAttrType.Fmt.

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