Supported languages
Qlik NPrinting is available in the following languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Japanese
- Italian
- Simplified Chinese
Report generation is fully supported for content in these languages. Other languages are not officially supported. Issues may occur during report generation if content in unsupported languages, particularly those with right to left script and non-Roman alphabets, is used.
The user interfaces are translated in supported languages for the following:
- Qlik NPrinting web console
- NewsStand
- Qlik NPrinting Designer
The language displayed in the user interface is determined by locale settings, which both users and an administrators can set. To change the user interface language, see Changing user language.
Changing the locale settings affects the Qlik NPrinting user interface. Users can also change their browser language, and report developers can create templates for different languages.