Retrieves the list of tables of a specific Replicate task that matches the specified state(s), table schema(s), and table name(s). This is useful for automation processes, for example, as it allows you to retrieve tables in a certain state (e.g. suspended) and then perform an operation on them (e.g. ReloadTable).
Required User Role: See Required Enterprise Manager permissions.
def get_table_list(
schema = None,
table = None,
includequeued = False,
includeloading = False,
includecompleted = False,
includechangeprocessing = False,
includeerror = False):
""" response payload: AemGetTableListResp
Value | Type | Description |
server | string |
The Replicate Server name as defined on Qlik Enterprise Manager. Example: myrepsrv1 |
schema | string |
The default is all source schemas. Specifying a specific schema name will retrieve all tables from the specified schema. Specifying a pattern will retrieve all tables from schemas that match the pattern. For example, specifying ad% will retrieve tables from the adventure and adventuretwo schemas. Information noteSchema names are case-sensitive.
table |
string | The default is all source tables. Specifying a specific table name will retrieve the specified table. Specifying a pattern will retrieve all tables that match the pattern. For example, specifying em% will retrieve the employees and employed tables.Table names are case-sensitive. |
includequeued |
boolean | Whether to retrieve tables in a queued state. |
includeloading |
boolean | Whether to retrieve tables in a loading state. |
includecompleted |
boolean | Whether to retrieve tables in a completed state. |
includechangeprocessing |
boolean | Whether to retrieve tables in a Change Processing state (that is, tables that are having changes applied to them). |
includeerror |
boolean | Whether to retrieve tables in an error state. |
Return values
Value | Type | Description |
TableList |
List |
List of tables that matches the specified input parameters. |
schema |
string |
The name of the schema. |
table |
string |
The name of the table. |
enum |
The current state of the table. |
All of the general errors as well as the errors listed in the table below.
Error | Message | Description |
Failed to retrieve table list for replication task "{task}" on server "{server}". Error: "{message}" |
Returned when the table list cannot be retrieved. |
Replicate task {task} on server {server} could not be found. |
The task name is unknown to Enterprise Manager. |