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Using SQLite syntax with transformations

The following table lists the SQLite operators that are supported with transformations.

SQLITE syntax operators
Operator Description


Concatenate strings.


PHONE_NUMBER||<Office Only> (adds the string Office Only to the telephone number).


Adds two values together.

DEPARTMENT_ID+100 (adds 100 to each ID number). Any column used in an expression with this operator must be a numeric data type.


Subtracts a value from another value.

MANAGER_ID-100 (subtracts 100 from each ID number). Any column used in an expression with this operator must be a numeric data type.


Uses the remainder of a division expression as the value.

%SALARY/7 (Divides the value of the Salary column by 7 and uses any remainder from the expression as the column value).


Divides one value into another.

SALARY/.16 (Divides the value of the Salary column by .16.

Information note

If the two values in the division expression are integers (two NUMERIC columns with no digits after the decimal) and the result is a fractional value, the result returned will be 0.


SALARY*.16 (Multiplies the value of the Salary column by .16. This could be used to calculate taxes that are subtracted from a salary).

For more information about SQLite syntax, see the SQLite documentation.

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