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Publish: add target

Publish Target definition configures connection and database credentials for each publish operation.

This process defines Target Type, Target Name, Connection URI and other properties relevant to the target type.

In Publish, select Target to display the Target screen; select Add Target.

Target Definition window displays with fields specific to the type of target being defined.

For example, Hadoop targets require a Hive URI as Hadoop objects necessitate the creation of a Hive table on top of the HDFS file.

All other file-based target types require a URI (File, HDFS, FTP, S3, ADLS) along with user-defined file specifications.

OpenConnector targets require a Custom Script Command and accompanying arguments.

Publish target types

Qlik Data Catalyst provides the following publish target types:

  • Amazon – S3 and Redshift: Object-based massively scalable, cloud-based data warehouse storage
  • File on ADLS Storage: File-based targets published to MS Cloud solution Azure Data Lake Store
  • File on FTP Server: File-based targets published to an FTP server over an enterprise network
  • File on Qlik Data Catalyst Server: File-based targets are published to a directory on the local host.
  • File on S3 Storage: File-based targets published to scalable cloud storage
  • File on SFTP Server: File-based targets published to an FTP server over an enterprise network via secure SSH tunnel
  • File on WASB Storage: Objects publish to Azure's object storage option (Windows Azure Storage Blob) in containers with data in form of blobs
  • File on WASBS Storage: Objects publish to Azure's object storage option (Windows Azure Storage Blob) in containers with data in form of blobs, using SSL certificates for improved security
  • Hadoop – HDFS and Hive:  Entities are registered to Hive tables on top of HDFS
  • HDFS: File-based targets published to Hadoop file system
  • Open Connector/ RDBMS: File-based targets published to RDBMS via Sqoop transfer
  • Qlik Cloud Services – S3: On-premises QVD data is published to pre-configured AWS S3 buckets accessible to Qlik Cloud Services

Add Amazon – S3 and Redshift target

Amazon – S3 and Redshift publish target requires an S3 target URI with Access Key and Secret Access Key and Redshift target URI.

File Format specifications are not required.

Target format spec Values

Target Name

user defined

Target Type

Amazon – S3 and Redshift

S3 Target URI





The desired scheme (e.g., s3a or s3) should be specified in the connection string. Scheme s3 should be used in EMR (where it is maintained by AWS). Scheme s3a should be used otherwise. Scheme s3n is obsolete and should not be used.

Connection Credentials

Optional, dependent on cluster security configuration



Secret Access Key: kijf5tslHYJuykPPrVhhd0Tbj8RaHx8H3SffeSv8

Redshift Target URI





Connection Credentials

Optional, dependent on cluster security configuration.

To generate Redshift credentials, see Using IAM Authentication to Generate User Credentials


Username: awsuser

Password: ABCD1234

Database Role: arn:aws:iam::715941452413

Test Connection and Save the Target.

Add ADLS storage, FTP server, Qlik Data Catalyst server, S3 storage, SFTP server, WASB storage, WASBS storage publish target

These target types are addressed together here because the specifications are very similar. Enter the following values for file-based targets:

Target format spec Values

Target Type

Options: ADLS Storage, FTP Server, Qlik Data Catalyst Server (formerly LocalFile), S3 Storage, SFTP Server, WASB Storage, WASBS Storage

Target Name

User defined



ADLS Gen1: adl://

ADLS Gen2:abfs[s]://


Qlik Data Catalyst Server:  file:///

S3: s3a://


WASB: wasb://

WASBS: wasb://

Target directory path for localfile access is specified by core_env property: (default)

This property is used to limit access control over directories on publish targets.

Entity File Format


TEXTFILE: Flat File containing only printable characters (usually from ASCII char set)

PARQUET: Columnar data format where data is stored and grouped in columns resulting in higher and more efficient compression ratios

Connection Credentials

optional, dependent on cluster security configuration

Field Delimiter

















Double Pipe


Pipe Tilde



*Any character(s) can be used as the delimiter in data. The delimiter can be coded in any way that the incoming file character set encodes that character.

For example, if the delimiter is the broken pipe character: ¦, the delimiter can be encoded for the incoming character set:

UTF-8 (hex): 0xC2 0xA6 (c2a6)

UTF-16 (hex): 0x00A6 (00a6)

Latin-1: \xA6

Unicode: U+00A6

Extended ASCII characters are supported by actually copying and pasting the character directly into the field. A recommended resource for these types of extended characters can be found here.

Record Delimiter/Terminator

default: \n (Newline)

Header (include field names?)


Test Connection and Save the target.

Example: Add Target screen (Qlik Data Catalyst server)

Information noteQlik Data Catalyst target type (formerly LocalFile) supports File/Folder Browsing Capability

Select the Folder icon (circled above) to browse local server directory.

Information noteFile on SFTP Server target type authenticates with PEM private key file. Browsing capability allows users to navigate to PEM private key file for authentication.


Warning noteThe PEM file must: START with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and END with at least one dash.
If it doesn't the connection will fail with invalid key exception.

Add HADOOP – HDFS and Hive target

HADOOP – HDFS and Hive is the only publish target type requiring a Hive URI as Hadoop objects necessitate the creation of a Hive table on top of the HDFS file.

Target format spec Values

Target Name

user defined

Target Type

Hadoop – HDFS and Hive






Connection Credentials

Optional, dependent on cluster security configuration






Connection Credentials

Optional, dependent on cluster security configuration

Test Connection and Save the target.

Add File on HDFS target

Field Delimiter: \t

Record Terminator: \n

Header: none

Target format spec Values

Target Name

user defined

Target Type

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)






Entity File Format


TEXTFILE: Flat file containing only printable characters (usually from ASCII char set)

PARQUET: Columnar data format where data is stored and grouped in columns resulting in higher and more efficient compression ratios

QVD: QlikView Data target format. Non-QVD entities can be converted and published as QVDs with this option. Note that if QVD file format is selected, the merge mode is restricted to MERGED.

Field Delimiter

















Double Pipe


Pipe Tilde





*Any character(s) can be used as the delimiter in data. The delimiter can be coded in any way that the incoming file character set encodes that character.

For example, if the delimiter is the broken pipe character: ¦, the delimiter can be encoded for the incoming character set:

UTF-8 (hex): 0xC2 0xA6 (c2a6)

UTF-16 (hex): 0x00A6 (00a6)

Latin-1: \xA6

Unicode: U+00A6

Extended ASCII characters are supported by actually copying and pasting the character directly into the field. A recommended resource for these types of extended characters can be found here.

Record Delimiter/Terminator

Default: \n


Header (include field names?)


Save the target.

Example: Add Target screen (HDFS target)

Add Open Connector/ RDBMS target

Open Connector/ RDBMS Target type replicates data from HDFS shipping location to RDBMS targets through Sqoop CLI tool. Sqoop provides a command line interface where users can provide basic information like source (Podium %shippingLocation), destination (%prop.jdbcString), table name (%prop.table) and any other authentication details (ex. %prop.username) required.

Warning noteDo not use the '—verbose' flag on Open Connector/ RDBMS commands—It can produce a large amount of logging output that can result in memory issues for the JVM.

In addition to standard file based target specs, Open Connector targets require a Custom Script Command and the entry of argumentsto be passed through the command.

Target format spec Values

Target Type

Open Connector/ RDBMS

Target Name

user defined

Custom Script Command

Custom Script Command examples:

/usr/local/podium/ %prop.jdbcString %prop.username %prop.table
%shippingLocation %loadingDockUri
/usr/local/podium/datasets/ %prop.jdbcString %prop.username %prop.table %shippingLocation

Note that 'shippingLocation' value is generated by Qlik Data Catalystand passed through the script.


Optional, dependent on configuration


Add arguments to be passed via script. This step provides create, edit and over-ride options for Sqoop key/value pair properties.


property name: username

property value: postgres

Entity File Format


TEXTFILE: Flat File containing only printable characters (usually from ASCII char set)

PARQUET: Columnar data format where data is stored/grouped in columns resulting in higher and more efficient compression ratios

QVD: QlikView Data target format. Non-QVD entities can be converted and published as QVDs with this option. Note that if QVD file format is selected, the merge mode is restricted to MERGED.

Field Delimiter

















Double Pipe


Pipe Tilde





*Any character(s) can be used as the delimiter in data. The delimiter can be coded in any way that the incoming file character set encodes that character.

For example, if the delimiter is the broken pipe character: ¦, the delimiter can be encoded for the incoming character set:

UTF-8 (hex): 0xC2 0xA6 (c2a6)

UTF-16 (hex): 0x00A6 (00a6)

Latin-1: \xA6

Unicode: U+00A6

Extended ASCII characters are supported by copying and pasting the character directly into the field. A recommended resource for these types of extended characters can be found here.

Record Delimiter/Terminator

Default: \n


Header (include field names?)


Save the Target.

Example: Add Target screen (Open Connector/ RDBMS)

Bash SQOOP export script:

set -x
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
read password
/usr/bin/sqoop export \
--verbose \
--connect "$jdbcString" \
--username "$username" \
--password "$password" \
--table $table \
--fields-terminated-by '\t' --lines-terminated-by '\n' \
--export-dir "$receivingDir/*" \
exit $?

Add Qlik Cloud Services – S3 target

When setting up an Qlik Cloud Services publish target, users define the buckets accessible to Qlik Cloud Services with appropriate Access Key and Secret Access Keys.

Target definition Values

Target Name

user defined

Target Type

Qlik Cloud Services – S3

Tenant UUID

[not in use currently -- reserved for future use]


Overwrite: App users who will always want to display the latest version of their data should choose this option. When "overwrite" is chosen, the folder takes on the following naming convention "QDC_sourceName_entityName"

Snapshot: App users who would like to choose data from published "points in time" should choose this option. When Snapshot is chosen, a "sub-folder" is created, named with the addition of a timestamp: "QDC_sourceName_entityName/YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss"

This structure can only be set at target definition time and cannot be changed afterwards.

Group to Bucket Mappings


These QVD and non-QVD groups will be given access to publish entities to specified S3 buckets

If no groups are assigned to an S3 bucket, all groups will have access to that bucket

A target can be created without groups or buckets; these can be edited at a later time to add groups and buckets.

S3 Bucket






Scheme s3 should be used when Qlik Data Catalyst is run in EMR (where it is maintained by AWS and is up-to-date). Scheme s3a should be used otherwise. Scheme s3n is obsolete and should not be used.

Connection Credentials



Secret Access Key: kijf5tslHYJuykPPrVhhd0Tbj8RaHx8H3SfSSSv8

"Add Mapping" to provide credentials configuring additional S3 buckets

Test Connection and Save the target.

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