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Operations Monitor assets panel

The Operations Monitor includes an assets panel that provides access to charts, custom objects, and master items used in the app. You can use these objects to create additional visualizations for your particular environment.

The assets panel may also contains extra visualizations that are not used on the Operations Monitor sheets. These visualizations can be used on customized sheets that you create for your particular environment. You can use the visualizations as is or customize them for your environment.

To access the assets panel, open one of the Operations Monitor sheets and click @Edit in the toolbar. In the illustration below, the Performance sheet is open in edit mode. You cannot edit the Performance sheet, but you can make a copy of it and then customize it by adding new visualizations or altering or removing the existing visualizations.

When you click a dimension, measure, or visualizations in the assets panel, a pop-up is displayed with a description of the object.

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