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Stripe is a suite of APIs powering online payment processing and commerce solutions. You can use Stripe as a data source when landing or replicating data. with 資料閘道 - 資料移動.



  • 變更資料擷取 (CDC)

  • 載入並比較

  • 使用變更表格進行變更資料擷取 (CDC)

  • 完整載入

  • 變更資料擷取 (CDC)

  • 載入

Preparing for authentication

To access your Stripe data, you need to authenticate the connection with a secret API key.

To create a secret key:

  1. Go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/dashboard

  2. Click Developers.

  3. Click API Keys.

  4. Click Create secret key.

  5. Set Key name to Qlik, and click Create.

  6. Copy the key to use it in the Secret Key field when creating the connection.


Creating the connection

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

選取 資料移動閘道 以在複寫資料時使用。

Secret Key Secret API key used to authenticate your Stripe account.
Company Name The name of the company that holds the Stripe account.

