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Segment is a platform bringing customer data together for real-time insights.

Preparing for authentication

To access your Segment data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

資訊備註Make sure that the account you use has read access to the tables you want to fetch.

To obtain your API Key:

  1. Log in to the Segment application.

  2. Select the workspace you want to generate a token for. Each Segment workspace requires a separate token.

  3. Click Settings in the left menu to access Workspace Settings.

  4. Navigate to the Access Management tab, and click Tokens. This tab lists any existing tokens created for the workspace.

  5. Click Create Token, and follow the prompts to generate a new token. Be sure to select a Public API token, and not a Config API token.

  6. Click Generate OAuth Secret.

  7. Copy and save the API Key in a secured file. You will need it to connect to the application.

Creating the connection

For more information, see 連線到 SaaS 應用程式.

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

如您的使用情況有需要,選取 Data Movement gateway


此欄位無法用於 Qlik Talend Cloud 啟動器 訂閱,因為不支援 Data Movement gateway。若您有另一個訂閱層級且不想使用 Data Movement gateway,選取

如需關於 Data Movement gateway 福利的資訊以及需要此項的使用案例,請參閱 Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement


The API Key.


The Segment API URL can be accessed through multiple regions, depending on data residency policies: for US-based workspaces, you can use api.segmentapis.com. For EU-based workspaces, eu1.api.segmentapis.com.

