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Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile is an advertising platform for online publishers. You can use Google Business Profile as a data source when landing or replicating data.

Supported update methods

For more information, see 變更處理.

  • Reload and compare

  • Full load

  • Reload

Preparing for authentication

To access your Google Business Profile data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

  1. Navigate to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis

  2. Enable the My Business Account Management API service.

  3. Click Manage.

  4. Click Credentials.

  5. Click Create Credentials.

  6. Click OAuth Client ID.

  7. Click Application type.

  8. Click Web application and name your application.

  9. After Authorized JavaScript origins, click ADD URI.

    Enter the URL of your Qlik Cloud tenant.

  10. After Authorized redirect URIs, click ADD URI.

    Enter the url https://connector.qlik.com/auth/oauth/v3.htm

  11. Click Create.

  12. Copy the client id and the client secret, you will need them when creating the connection.

Creating the connection

  1. 在您填入所需的連線設定時按一下驗證



  2. 將代碼複製到剪貼簿並返回連線對話方塊。

  3. 使用來源提供的代碼完成驗證中貼上代碼並按一下驗證



  4. 連線名稱中提供連線名稱。

  5. 選取開啟連線中繼資料以在建立後定義連線的中繼資料。

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

選取 資料移動閘道 以在複寫資料時使用。

Client ID

OAuth client ID that you created when preparing.

Client Secret OAuth client secret that you created when preparing.

