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Creating a context group

Context groups contain values which change according to the context (prod or staging for example) in which you run a Job.


  1. In the Repository, right-click Contexts and click Create context group.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name.


  3. Optional: In the Purpose field, enter a purpose.


    Fetching context from a database
  4. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description.


    Setting up context variables for different situations
    Information noteTip: Enter a Purpose and Description to stay organized.
  5. Click the plus button to add a context value.
    1. In the Name field, enter a name.


      1. host
      2. port
      3. database
      4. username
      5. password
    2. Select the Type property of your context value.


      1. For host, select Directory.
      2. For port, select Integer.
      3. For password, select Password.
    3. Enter the Value property of your context value.


      1. For host, enter
      2. For port, enter 3306.
      3. For database, enter csv_db 6.
      4. For username, enter root.
  6. Click Finish.


The new context group, databasePropertyType 0.1, displays under Contexts in the Repository.

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