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Exporting a metadata definition as a context group

You can export metadata definitions as context groups to use their parameters on a Job level, rather than a component level.

Before you begin

You must have created a metadata definition (see Creating a metadata definition).


  1. In the Repository, expand Metadata > File delimited, right-click the file delimited metadata of your choice and click Edit file delimited.
  2. The metadata has already been set up, click Next twice.
    You are brought to Step 3 in the wizard.
  3. Click Export as context.
  4. Select Create a new repository context.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Name field, enter a name.


  7. Optional: In the Purpose field, enter a purpose.


    Reusing my movie metadata as context
  8. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description.


    File delimited metadata as a context group
    Information noteTip: Enter a Purpose and Description to stay organized.
  9. Click Next.
    All parameters have been changed to variables with the default values.
  10. Click Finish
    You are brought back to the Edit an existing Delimited file window.
  11. Click Finish.
    1. Optional: Select if you want to propagate the modifications to all Jobs.
    2. Optional: Select the items you want to update.
    3. Optional: Click OK.
    4. Optional: Select if you want to add the context parameters to Jobs using this connection.


In the Component view of the movies component, you may see that all the default property values have been replaced by context variables.

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