A specification is a collection of rules to apply during a project quality
To create a specification click the Create button on the
Specifications page.
A dialog box opens where Rules By Categories lists all
the rules (rule names) grouped by categories. A form is also displayed where you
can fill out the following information:
Name: Enter a unique name for a
Description: Enter a description for a
Threshold: Enter a numeric value from 0 to set a
limit, above, or below which the condition should be observed.
ThresholdType: You can select one of the two
threshold types:
Operator: Comparison operator (compares with the
To add rules to the specification, select the rules from the left panel by
clicking the checkbox. This displays the selected rules on the right on the
Rules table.
Once you have filled out all the details, click Save to
create the specification.
The creation dialog box closes automatically and the new
specification is listed on the Specifications page.
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