A profile contains a set of specifications which is executed on a Talend
To create a profile, click the Create button on the
Profiles page.
A dialog box opens. Specifications lists all the
specifications created. A form is also displayed with the different fields.
Start by selecting one of the following providers:
Git Repository:
Provide the repository URI and Git credentials to access the
Talend project.
After connecting to the Git Repository, the list of branches are
For the selected branch, the associated Talend Administration Center projects are displayed. If the selected branch does not
contain the expected project, an error message is
Optionally, you can select Save
credentials to save your Git credentials and
Save branch to save your branch
Local workspace:
Provide a local folder path containing one or more folders as a
Talend project folder with a talend.project
file. A Talend project folder must be a direct child folder of the parent
one. There is no recursive search.
To add specifications to the profile, select the specifications from the left
panel by clicking the checkbox. This displays the selected specifications on the
right on the specifications table.
Click Save to create the profile.
The Profile dialog box closes
automatically and the new profile is listed on the Profiles
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