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Example of the xslt plugin


The following example parameters will loop over all the lines of the input XML and send them to the transformer as XML fragments:

    xrefIn='.=Country/Codes/ISO2, ../Customer/Name=[ACME]'
><xsl:value-of select='State/CountryCode'/></Country>

The example above does the following:

  • The XSLT generates a <Country> element in the target document,

  • The content of State/CountryCode of the source document is inserted as the value of the element,

  • The rest of the xslt transformations complete,

  • The system queries the Country data in cluster MYCLUSTER where:Codes/ISO2Code is equal to State/CountryCode (the current value of the Country element), and /Customer/Name in the target document is equal to hard coded value ACME,

  • The matching Country document is returned and the value in Name/FR is extracted,

  • The value in Country of the target document is replaced with the extracted value.

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