You can configure how long Talend Studio keeps
connection with the Artifact repository, from which Talend Studio
retrieves updates and custom libraries and to which you can publish your artifacts.
From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.
Expand the Talend node and click Artifact
Repository to display the relevant view.
In the Timeout for artifact repository connection (ms)
field, specify the time in milliseconds you want Talend Studio to
wait for an interaction with the artifact repository server before cutting the
By default, the timeout for artifact repository connection is
20000 milliseconds. You can enter 0
to allow an infinite timeout.
If you have installed the 8.0 R2022-08 Talend Studio
monthly update or a later one provided by Talend, the timeout for artifact repository connection is specified via the
Default read timeout field on the Talend > Performance view, and the Timeout for artifact repository connection
(ms) field is not available. Talend Studio
takes the larger of the two values, the default 20000
milliseconds and the default read timeout specified in the Default read
timeout field, as the timeout for artifact repository connection.
For more information, see Performance preferences (Talend > Performance).
Click Apply to apply your changes; click Apply
and Close to validate the settings and close the
Preferences dialog box.
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