Defining the Maven options to build your project
You have the possibility to adapt the Maven build command to fit your deployment needs. Here are some examples of commands:
- To build, test, package artifacts of the CICD project as .jar or
.zip files and deploy them to the Nexus snapshots repository:
options: '-f <ProjectName>/poms/pom.xml -s <PathToDirectory>/maven_settings.xml -Dlicense.path=<PathToDirectory>/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower<P2BaseURL> --><P2UpdateURL> -Pnexus -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::http://XXX:8081/repository/snapshots/ -fae -e' goals: 'deploy'
Groovy script example:
options: '''-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Pnexus -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::http://nexus:8081/repository/snapshots/ -fae -e''' goals: 'deploy'
Read the Groovy syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
Yaml script example:
options: '-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Pnexus -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::http://nexus:8081/repository/snapshots/ -fae -e' goals: 'deploy'
Read the YAML syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
Example with a Job that uses custom components (additional parameters are required to point to the artifact repository in which the custom components are stored):
Groovy example:
options: '''-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -pl jobs/process/sample_0.1 -am -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Pnexus -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::http://nexus:8081/repository/snapshots/ -fae -e''' goals: 'deploy'
Read the Groovy syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
YAML example:
options: '-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -pl jobs/process/sample_0.1 -am -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Pnexus -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::http://nexus:8081/repository/snapshots/ -fae -e' goals: 'deploy'
Read the YAML syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
Groovy example:
options: '''-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -pl jobs/process/parent_0.1 -am -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Dtalend.job.context=dev -Dtalend.job.applyContextToChildren=true -fae -e''' goals: 'deploy'
Read the Groovy syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
YAML example:
options: '-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -pl jobs/process/parent_0.1 -am -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Dtalend.job.context=dev -Dtalend.job.applyContextToChildren=true -fae -e' goals: 'deploy'
Read the YAML syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
Information noteNote: If the context group you specify does not exist on the Job, the default context group will be applied. -
- To build, clean, test, package artifacts of the CICD project as
.jar or .zip files and deploy them to a
Docker registry:
options: '-f <ProjectName>/poms/pom.xml -s <PathToDirectory>/maven_settings.xml -Dlicense.path=<PathToDirectory>/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower<updatesiteURL> --><updatefolderPathOrURL> -Pdocker -Djkube.docker.push.registry=<DockerRegistryName> -Djkube.docker.username=<Dockerusername> -Djkube.docker.password=<DockerPassword><DockerImageName> -Xms1024m -Xmx3096m' goals: 'clean deploy'
Groovy script example:
options: '''-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Pdocker -Djkube.docker.username=TalendUser -Djkube.docker.password=V3ryCompl3xPwd -Xms1024m -Xmx3096m''' goals: 'clean deploy'
Read the Groovy syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.
YAML script example:
options: '-f CICD/poms/pom.xml -s /home/talend/CI_dir/maven_settings.xml -Dlicense.path=/home/talend/talend_studio/license <!-- This parameter is only supported and needed for users with Talend Studio 8.0.1 R2024-04 or lower --> -Pdocker -Djkube.docker.username=TalendUser -Djkube.docker.password=V3ryCompl3xPwd -Xms1024m -Xmx3096m' goals: 'clean deploy'
Read the YAML syntax documentation for more information on supported formats for multiline strings.