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Building and Deploying

Talend offers you several ways to publish your project artifacts to Talend Administration Center or artifact repositories (Nexus, Artifactory) and schedule their executions, and allows you to choose the one that suits best your needs.

In a continuous integration environment, it is common practice to launch tests at every commit. By default, a new commit is made every time you save artifacts (Automatic SVN or GIT commit mode).

The following sections introduce two ways to automate the test executions using the Talend CommandLine and Talend Maven plugins to generate the sources, as well as a CI server (Azure and Jenkins) that use build pipelines to automate the execution of all project artifacts and to publish them to an artifact repository or a Docker container.

Talend Continuous Integration is Maven-compliant, which means that you have the possibility to use the Talend Maven commands with any stable version of your Continuous Integration server (Jenkins, Bamboo, etc.).

In case you want to use your own Continuous Integration tool to schedule the execution and publishing of artifacts, Talend allows you to do so by providing you the Talend CI Builder maven plugins.

  • Talend CI Builder is a Maven plugin delivered by Talend that transforms the Talend Job sources to Java classes using the Talend CommandLine application, allowing you to execute your tests in your own company Java factory.

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