Adding a JDBC driver to your engine
You have the possibility to add a JDBC driver to the Remote Engine Gen2 in order to connect to databases that are not explicitly supported in Talend Cloud Data Inventory.
The generated SQL statements will be SQL-92 compatible.
- Go to the Remote Engine Gen2 installation directory.
Edit the following file that is the Docker configuration file used
when starting the engine:
default/docker-compose.yml if you are using the engine in the AWS USA, AWS Europe, AWS Asia-Pacific or Azure regions.
eap/docker-compose.yml if you are using the engine as part of the Early Adopter Program.
Find the livy container and add this JDBC driver configuration under the environment section:
livy: image: ${LIVY_IMG} networks: default: aliases: - livy environment: LIVY_JOB_SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS: "-Djdbc.drivers[10].id=<DATABASE_ID> -Djdbc.drivers[10].displayName=<DISPLAY_NAME> -Djdbc.drivers[10].order=<ORDER_IN_THE_LIST> -Djdbc.drivers[10].className=<JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS> -Djdbc.drivers[10].paths[0]=<MAVEN GROUP>:<MAVEN ARTIFACT>:jar:<MAVEN VERSION>" [...]
where <DATABASE_ID> (the database identifier), <DISPLAY_NAME> (the database display name), <ORDER_IN_THE_LIST> (the position of the database in the list of connections in the app) , <JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS> (the database JDBC driver class) and <MAVEN GROUP>:<MAVEN ARTIFACT>:jar:<MAVEN VERSION> (the database artifact) need to be replaced with your own database information.
For a DB2 databaselivy: image: ${LIVY_IMG} networks: default: aliases: - livy environment: LIVY_JOB_SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS: "-Djdbc.drivers[10].id=DB2 -Djdbc.drivers[10].displayName=DB2 -Djdbc.drivers[10].order=900 -Djdbc.drivers[10] -Djdbc.drivers[10].paths[0]" [...]
Find the component-server container and add this configuration under the environment/_JAVA_OPTIONS section to add the JDBC driver to the list of connectors and to be able to call the corresponding services:
component-server: image: ${COMPONENTS_IMG} networks: default: aliases: - component-server environment: [...] _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx${COMPONENTS_MEM} -Dhttp=443 [...@=] -Djdbc.drivers[10].id=<DATABASE_ID> -Djdbc.drivers[10].displayName=<DISPLAY_NAME> -Djdbc.drivers[10].order=<ORDER_IN_THE_LIST> -Djdbc.drivers[10].className=<JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS> -Djdbc.drivers[10].paths[0]=<MAVEN GROUP>:<MAVEN ARTIFACT>:jar:<MAVEN VERSION> [...]
For a DB2 databasecomponent-server: image: ${COMPONENTS_IMG} networks: default: aliases: - component-server environment: [...] _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx${COMPONENTS_MEM} -Dhttp=443 [...@=] -Djdbc.drivers[10].id=DB2 -Djdbc.drivers[10].displayName=DB2 -Djdbc.drivers[10].order=900 -Djdbc.drivers[10] -Djdbc.drivers[10].paths[0] [...]
Find the connectors container image and add this configuration under the environment section to make it download the JDBC driver library:
connectors: image: talend/connectors:20200528132950116 networks: - default environment: CONNECTORS_SETUP_OPTS: setup --component-jdbc-auto-download-drivers [...] --artifact=<MAVEN GROUP>:<MAVEN ARTIFACT>:jar:<MAVEN VERSION> [...]
For a DB2 databaseconnectors: image: talend/connectors:20200528132950116 networks: - default environment: CONNECTORS_SETUP_OPTS: setup --component-jdbc-auto-download-drivers [...] [...]
Find the previewrunner container and configure it this way in order to make the data sample preview work from the dataset edition form in Talend Cloud Data Inventory:
previewrunner: image: ${PREVIEW_RUNNER_IMG} user: root command: /opt/talend/app/bin/data-streams-previewrunner-ee-svc -Djdbc.drivers[10].id=<DATABASE_ID> -Djdbc.drivers[10].displayName=<DISPLAY_NAME> -Djdbc.drivers[10].order=<ORDER_IN_THE_LIST> -Djdbc.drivers[10].className=<JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS> -Djdbc.drivers[10].paths[0]=<MAVEN GROUP>:<MAVEN ARTIFACT>:jar:<MAVEN VERSION> -Dhttp.port=80 -Dlogger.resource=dss-logback.xml -Dtalend.component.manager.m2.repository=/opt/talend/connectors -Dtalend.component.manager.classloader.container.classesAndPackages=org.talend.components.common.
For a DB2 databasepreviewrunner: image: ${PREVIEW_RUNNER_IMG} user: root command: /opt/talend/app/bin/data-streams-previewrunner-ee-svc -Djdbc.drivers[10].id=DB2 -Djdbc.drivers[10].displayName=DB2 -Djdbc.drivers[10].order=900 -Djdbc.drivers[10] -Djdbc.drivers[10].paths[0] -Dhttp.port=80 -Dlogger.resource=dss-logback.xml -Dtalend.component.manager.m2.repository=/opt/talend/connectors -Dtalend.component.manager.classloader.container.classesAndPackages=org.talend.components.common.
- Save your changes and restart your engine.
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